Physco | Teen Ink


October 28, 2021
By gradypohner9 BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
gradypohner9 BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        On his way home from his job at a small fair in an even smaller town. As Jim walks through the rain,  Jim spots a young child playing in the road with a green and red bouncy ball. Jim thinks nothing of it until he also sees a huge eighteen wheeler come blazing toward the child. Jim quickly turns around and sprints to help the child. Jim’s long greasy hair flowing in the wind while his brown trench coat trails behind him. His thin, skinny arms pumping. His hollow cheeks are attached to a gaunt face as his mouth stays wide open. 

 He snatches the child off of his feet into the sidewalk. Jim brushes the kid off as he notices a lady that appears to be his mother, running frantically over to help. She gets startled by his gaunt face. Before he can explain what happened she pushes him away and grabs her kid by the arm.

 Jim continues to walk home in the rain, pissed off. He couldn't stand how people treated him. By now almost all his makeup is dripping down his face. Once Jim gets to his apartment building, he walks up the muddy old stairs up to his apartment. Jim lives in a small town full of factories and workplaces. Not many people live here because they choose to. Jim lives here because his mother passed away when he was six due to his deranged father killing her and himself in front of Jim. He was moved into foster care shortly after that. He was out of the foster care system at eighteen and has been living in this apartment since he was 19. Jim later met a woman and married her when he was 23. They were married for only a year because she thought Jim was gonna turn out like his father and didn't feel safe living with him. Jim is now 47.

 Jim is a very miserable man and has been very lonely since his wife left him. Once he makes it to his room he can already hear his neighbors arguing. He opens the door, grabs a cold meatloaf out of the fridge and turns on his favorite show “Leave it to Beaver”. He then sits down on his ripped couch. He thinks about how horrible his day was. His thinking gets interrupted when he hears the bickering of his neighbors. Jim falls asleep while eating his cold meatloaf. 

Jim wakes up to the noise of his neighbors getting ready. He looks at the clock on his smoke stained walls. It reads “ten forty one”. He is over two hours late for work as he rushes out the door in the same clothes as the day before. He runs in the hot sun for 4 miles without slowing down. By the time he gets there he's drenched in sweat and panting.

                He walks in the back to get to his locker in an old red tent. He's stopped by his boss, Stephon. Stephon grips his forearm tightly as he turns red. Stephon whispers in his ear the words “this was your last chance”. As soon as Jim hears those words he starts to think about everything he has done for the circus and everything he's dealt with. He thinks about that night, the night his parents died. He thinks about the yelling and screaming of the two. He tries to remember what his mother said to get his father so furious. Then he remembers, “ this was your last chance, I'm taking the kid and i'm leaving”. As memories rush through his head he gets filled with anger and rage. Then suddenly it all stops.

             When he opens his eyes he is holding up Stephon by the throat as Stephon is dead in his arms. Everyone looks his way. He runs out the way he got in and steals a kids bike, peddling till he gets home. When he gets to his apartment he locks the door and sits down. He turns on the tv pretending he never even left for work. Around twenty minutes later He hears “ police, open the damn door”. He quickly starts to panic, as he looks to his left at his open window.but then he calms himself enough to remember the small handgun in his dresser.

                    As Jim decides what to do he says to himself “what do i have to lose, a job, a family, money. No, I have nothing”. He grabs his gun out of the dresser. He unlocks the door and hides the gun behind his back. The cops ask if he was responsible for the death of stephon garcia. Jim gets nervous, pulls out the gun, and shoots the two police officers in his living room.  Blood on his door, floor, and hallway. Jim stands there over the bodies, with a horrid smile. The neighbors were quiet for once, until he hears one of his neighbors whimpering. He stomps to his neighbors door and bangs his head on it till he starts to bleed.

                     He finally puts a whole through the door, reaches his arm in and unlocks the door.  His two neighbors were hiding in the bathroom. Jim finds the couple in a bathtub, he shoots them both. Jim walked out of the apartment with more blood on him. Jim starts to limp because of a bullet in his leg from one of the police officers. That day he lost his job, murdered 5 innocent people, and most importantly lost his sanity. Jim went on to kill twenty two more people before being caught and put in jail. 

two months later his trial has finally come. The state decided to put him in an insane asylum for his actions. Jim started to talk to himself in the asylum. Jim became even crazier in the asylum. He went so crazy that he strangled one of his friends in the asylum while the nurses were busy. Jim then ran out of his room and found some stairs that he ran up. He ended up on the roof. He looked down at the ground below him. The memories start to flood his mind again. He jumped off and that is the end of Jims miserable life.

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