What an Eventful Day | Teen Ink

What an Eventful Day

December 8, 2021
By Anonymous

As Chris stepped outside of his small cottage house, he smelt the fresh blue Grape Hyacinth Muscari that he had planted 3 months ago. This specific flower reminds Chris about his childhood. It reminds him of his childhood because his mother, Jannet loved these flowers and would plant them around their house every spring. They had an amazing relationship and trusted each other with their lives. Unfortunately his mother passed away 8 months ago, leaving him with absolutely nothing. So by planting and smelling these flowers, it makes him feel closer to her. After he smelled them, he started to walk to the nearest bus stop which was 10 blocks away. While walking to the bus stop, he looked down at his watch and realized that he was going to miss the bus. As panic set in fast, he started to run as fast he could, as if his life depended on it. While running in panic to the bus stop, all he could think about was him getting fired for being late for his new day at the construction site. So many other things began going through his head as well, like how he was running late. He had never been late to anything in his life before. Besides the time when he had gotten hurt at his old job which left a scar above his right eye. 

After sprinting for about 8 blocks Chris slowly started to lose his breath. While slowing down, he looked down at his watch to look at the time. As he looked down, he ran straight into this young woman, making all the papers that he had with him for his new job fly everywhere. They both fell and hit the ground very harshly. After about 30 seconds Chris got up and was in shock. He started apologizing profusely  while the young woman was laughing. He quickly gathered all of his papers that were scattered all across the sidewalk. After picking them up, he just stood in place embarrassed of what had just happened. He tried brushing off the fact that she was laughing but still did not understand why she was and quickly became nervous. Chris started to analyze her, looking at her up and down. While looking at her for a couple of seconds he realised that he ran straight into his ex girlfriend Alice. Chris could not believe his eyes. He did not know if he should feel happy or sad about the fact that he ran into her. While staring at her, he had gotten a flashback from when they ended things. The day they both separated was the day Chris became cold and distant. The only reason they had separated was because Alice was moving across the country for college 2 years ago. After staring at each other for a minute they began talking. They talked about their lives and how things were going. Alice had finally gotten the job that she dreamed of having. Her dream job was becoming a doctor and traveling around the world. After catching up for a couple of minutes they gave each other their numbers and both decided to get lunch later that day. 

While walking away from each other once again, Chris felt a weird sensation in his heart. Just like the first time he and Alice ever met. He tried brushing the feeling off but couldn’t help but smile with joy. As he got on the bus and sat down and looked at the window to find Alice once again. As the bus started moving away, they both waved each other goodbye once again. While on the bus he quickly took out his phone and texted Alice, making sure that she gave him the right phone number. Alice answered back, making Chris relieved. After a couple of stops, it was Chris’s turn to get off. He got off quickly and headed straight for the construction site that he was going to be late to. Chris had gotten to just in time, sparing himself two minutes. Within these two minutes Chris made sure that he had gotten every single piece of paper that he had dropped earlier. These papers are extremely important to him. These papers determined his future as a construction worker. As he was making sure he had everything, the owner of the construction site pulled up in a large black van. As the owner got out of his vehicle Chris started busting out laughing. 

He was laughing because the man that got out of the vehicle was his best friend Mike. Mike and Chris had been best friends ever since middle school. They had done everything together throughout their years of being friends. After Chris saw Mike, he was no longer worried about the interview because he knew for a fact that Mike was going to hire him already. As Mike walked over to Chris, he stuck his hand out to give a friendly hand shake. After doing the handshake they both went inside and sat down in Mike’s office. 

  ¨Hey, Mike, so you know how I used to date Alice in high school? Well I kind of bumped into her while on my way here¨ Chris whispered under his breath while getting comfortable in his chair. 

As Mike's face went blank for a couple of seconds he replied, ¨Wait what! Alice? Your ex-girlfriend? The one who left you just to go to college a couple states away?¨ He scratched his head in concern. 

¨Yes. That Alice. We are going to meet at the small cafe that's down the road to catch up on things.¨ Chris´s face lit up with excitement. 

Mike had many things going through his head at this point. He knew that if things did not go the way Chris wanted it to, that he would be even more devastated than the first time. All Mike could think about was when Alice left Chris heart broken. Mike remembers that day very vividly. He was the only one that knew how to comfort Chris since he was extremely devastated. He knew how much Chris loved Alice and how much that would change him. It took Chris a couple of months to get back onto his feet after she had left. Mike did not want to say anything that would make Chris upset so all he did was wish him the best. As Chris left Mike’s office in a hurry, he texted Alice, sending her the location to meet him for lunch which is at a small cafe. While Chris walked to the small cafe, he had a weird feeling but could not put his finger on it. So he brushed it off and continued walking. After walking for a while he made it to the cafe. He walks in and goes and grabs a table for them both. While waiting for Alice to show up, Chris goes ahead and orders himself a small glass of water. Shortly after his water arrived at the table, he slowly began drifting away into his thoughts while staring at the ice melting in his water. He was wondering how things will go between them both after catching up from all the time they spent apart from each other. After ten minutes of waiting, he finally decided to call Alice to make sure everything was okay. As he tried calling her, the number didn’t go through. At this point he knew what that meant. She had blocked him.  He knew for a fact that Alice did not want to see him ever again. With tears streaming down his smooth face, he knew that he had to finally move on from the love of his life. 

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