The great escape | Teen Ink

The great escape

January 26, 2022
By Anonymous

“OPIE RAN OUT” I hear my mom scream from upstairs. 

My heart dropped to the floor as I knew there was a chance she might not return home. I busted through the glass door in a comfortable tee shirt and shorts flying past my shoes and jacket with no worries other than retrieving my dog. The omniscient sky and icy ground scream to me that there is no hope. I ignore it and start to run. My bare feet are fighting the ice and salt that are going at my feet like knives made out of ice trying to terrorize me. My pale skin is dry and ashy; glistening against the dark road. As I get closer to Opie she starts to back up. She’s ready to play her favorite game. She is in complete control of me as I would do absolutely anything to get her back. I started to manifest her back as I knew my life would never be the same without her here.

   I am just starting my journey. I sneak towards her trying not to trigger her to run. My mood suddenly changes drastically. The feeling of loss deepens inside me. I slowly pull out my phone and dial my mom to tell her I lost her. As the phone is ringing a tear starts to dribble down my cheek. I feel like I failed. I did not want to have to involve her in this but I have no other choice. The dreaded rings keep going, slower than they have ever rung before. She picks up the phone and I explain to her where I am and what I have done. While I am waiting it comes to me that I may forever lose my best friend. I stand in shock like a loved one just dropped dead right in front of me. It feels like someone just demolished by heart. I see her slowly drive up the street making sure to avoid the remote possibility of running over Opie. I start to fear her reaction. What if she’s angry with me? What if she blames me as much as I blame myself? Instead of being angry with me she tells me to hop in so we can search.

We drove around all the roads of mariemont searching fruitlessly. The salt crackling against our tires is like a constant buzz in my ears reminding me what I had done. Even though we only had searched for a short amount of time it feels like we had been there for hours. She tells me we are going to head home and I protest. I promised myself I would find her; it was not in my interest to neglect the situation. All of a sudden we see a white talk sticking out of the edge of the woods. As soon as I saw the little white tail I knew it was her trying to investigate what lies in the woods. I jumped out of the car with no hesitation and went into the woods. I tried to do it as sneakily as possible because I knew at any moment she would disappear into the woods. My knees are bent and I’m on my tippy toes. I am so focused on trying to be quiet that I don't look at what’s underneath me. I stepped on a leaf and knew it was all over. Opie sprinted into the trees like a knight disappearing on a horse into the night sky. She was out of sight. We got into the car silently and drove home. It was a quick bleak car ride as we were close to home. We thought all hope was lost but then we heard a ring. My mom picked up the phone and her eyes lit up with joy. A nearby shop had Opie and called the number on the tag. When we get home I sink into the couch with a cold glass of water and start to analyze what just happened. At first I’m speechless just sitting in silence watching the ice float and crackle in the water. My mind starts to wonder and think. Was it really her fault or was it mine? As I am thinking I come to the conclusion she didn’t really leave because she didn’t like it here, it was because she knows no better. I gave her the opportunity to escape and recreate the situation that has happened so many times and now I will never view it the same. Instead of patronizing her and blaming it on her I have now learned it is my fault. I went straight to blaming her for something that is her instinct instead of thinking about the possibility that maybe I did something wrong instead. Now I know to  be more careful and not give her the opportunity to do wrong things like that as she is just an ambitious and curious little animal that will forever be my best friend.

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