My Homeless Life | Teen Ink

My Homeless Life

May 12, 2022
By Anonymous

I have been living in the streets for a couple of years now, and it all started when I quit my job because he didn’t appreciate me or my work.

But nowadays I am happier, I guess. Because I am not getting criticized every time I give my opinion. But the sad thing is that it's really hard for me to get some food because most of the people I ask just look at me with disgust or treat me like trash. But not all people are like that because the other day I asked this lady that was coming out of a restaurant called Fiesta Mexico for some food. She looked at me with a gentle smile and gave me a white box that was in her hand. When she left I opened it and to my surprise there was a whole bunch of rice, beans, tortillas, and meat. 

I usually ask for food outside of Fiesta Mexico or Chops & Hops and I would ask for money outside of different convenience stores. For example, Walmart, Circle K, and seven-11.I would do this every day from 12:00 am to 8:30 pm. 

On one of my daily routines, I gathered more money and food than what I usually gather. So I went to go eat at Fiesta Mexico because I have been craving another plate like the one I had that day. After I ate, I rode the bus back to my temporary home, a playground called The Giant Stride. But when I entered the bus I noticed something strange, everyone in the bus was asleep. At that moment I didn’t really mind it because I thought it could just be coincidence. I boarded the bus and sat all the way in the back. After a few minutes had gone by and without noticing I had fallen asleep. When I woke up, I looked out the window to find out that I wasn’t in the same part of the city anymore. I immediately stood up and went to the front of the bus to ask the bus driver where we were. He told me that we were on the other side of city. This was my worst nightmare because there is a law that says that if you cross to Euphoria Town you may never return back to the other side of the city called Suresh Town. I don't know why but the law only applies to people that rode the bus or walked across, it is never implied to the people driving the bus or people who drive cars. So people in cars or the bus driver can go and come back as they pleased. The only way the people who protect the border identify who is from which side of town is that the people from Euphoria town had to wear a big black arm ring with a circle on it. So for the rest of my life I had to wear a big black arm ring with a circle on it.

But there was another reason I never wanted to be on this side of city, and that reason was that my grandpa always told me a legend about Euphoria town. The legend says that there once was a tall, skinny woman with black hair. She would wear a black dress and a white mask that would cover her face from the nose to her chin, and she would also canary a kitchen knife with her. She would then go asking random people a question, and that question was “Am I pretty?”. You would think that this is a really easy question to answer, but, it's more difficult than what you think. Because if you answered yes, she would take off her mask to reveal a big scar that would go from her right cheek, through her mouth, and end in her left cheek. Then she would ask the same question again, and if you answered yes again she would make your face look like hers. If you said no from the beginning she instantly killed you out of rage. The only way to survive this encounter is to tell her that she is average so that you confuse her and have time to run away. 

After that I had no choice but to get off the bus because the border does not permit anyone from Euphoria town go to Suresh Town. I had no choice but to wander around the streets of Euphoria. As I was walking I noticed a person standing underneath a light post. I thought that was weird so I turned to the right and in the next corner. After I took the turn I noticed the same person standing in the distance, so I turned around and started to run but the farther I ran the closer the person got. I took left and right turns everywhere I could, until I finished up in an alley. I thought I was safe until I turned back to see the person standing in the alley. My first instinct was to run but I had nowhere to go. The person kept getting closer and closer until we hit the back of the alley. As she kept getting closer I saw all of the characteristics of the woman of the legend.

Then I heard it. She asked me, “Am I pretty?”. I couldn't believe that the legend was real. At that moment my mind went blank because I was so terrified. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest because of how fast it was going. She asked me again, “Am I pretty?”. I tried to answer but the word wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

Finally a word came out of my mouth, but it was the wrong word. I said NO, she looked at me with rage and launched herself towards me. She pulled out a kitchen knife and tried to stab me. We both wrestled, but she was too strong and overpowered me. I had also not eaten for days so I was super weak. The knife kept getting closer and close to my chest until I felt it. A sharp pain in my chest, when I looked down I saw that my shirt was wet. I didn't know what it was, until I placed my hand where the stain was. When I saw my hand I understood what happened to me. I had gotten stabbed by the woman. The last thing I saw was the woman leaving the alley.

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