The Canoe by the Lake | Teen Ink

The Canoe by the Lake

June 2, 2022
By Anonymous

The light breeze blew through my hair softly pushing it out of my face. I was overwhelmed, tired, and heartbroken. My chest had been tight for weeks and my head throbbed, but as I sauntered through the tall grass, I took a deep breath and let all those worries and stresses fade away. I noticed a little lake with a canoe docked at its shore. The idea of letting the boat drift as I lay there listening to the birds sing, the trees rustle in the wind, and the soft ‘clop’ of the water hitting the boat, thrilled me. 

I took my shoes off and let my feet sink in the cool grass bordering the lake. Pulling the canoe into the rippling, blue water, I climbed in and sat down. There were no paddles but I didn’t care. I didn’t care where I was going or how long I would be gone. I let the little boat depict my future, steering me farther and farther away. I closed my eyes, letting my body relax into the smooth, frame of the canoe. 

When I awoke, a tall figure stood above me. I jumped back, startled by his sudden appearance. He chuckled, asking, “Are you okay?” I nodded, realizing he didn’t mean any harm. He reached out his hand, offering me help out of the canoe. I took his hand and as I got closer to him I could finally discern his face. He had chocolate brown hair and thick eyebrows. His chiseled face looked young and full of life, but his kind eyes looked mottled with sorrow. 

We walked together, my yellow dress flowing in the wind. I looked up and smiled at the perfect stranger I just met. I hadn’t felt this way in so long: happy. Like the sun was shining on me, following me wherever I went. 

The canoe by the lake; it was the perfect place where I could relax and idle. I wish I could go there, but it is only a painting, a dream that will soon be forgotten as the worry and stress come back to tighten my chest and throb in my head. One day, I will find that place in the painting, in my dream, I will climb in that canoe and let it drift away, far enough where my worries can’t find me, and I can meet my perfect stranger.

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