The Libary | Teen Ink

The Libary

September 30, 2022
By kasondondero BRONZE, Willits, California
kasondondero BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The front door to the coffee shop opens and Jasons friend Elijah walks in and orders a coffee. 

“That building across the street, does it seem weird to you,” Elijah says.

“No, I see people go in all the time I don't pay attention to that building. I'm always too busy,” says Jason.

“Weird, every time I see someone go in I never see them come out.” “Alright, see you later thanks for the coffee.” responds Elijah. Jason still has to be at work till 8 since he closes the shop so he keeps an eye on the building counting how many people go in and come out.

“Hey, would you stop looking over there and take my order!” Says a mean old lady.

“Yes I'm sorry, what would you like to have? We have all types of coffees, cakes, and sandwiches,” says Jason 

“I would like a black coffee and a bagel with cream cheese.” 

“Would that be all that you want?”


“Your total is $5.76” “have a nice day.”

After Jason deals with the mean old lady he sweeps and does the dishes, still watching the building through the window in the back and counting everyone that goes in and out. After dark, he notices that a big group of people are getting ready to walk up the steps. Jason counted every single one. There are a total of thirteen people of a wide variety of ages one of them couldn't be over ten, and another looked eighty-three. Jason notes it and watches all of them enter the building one by one, they were all in a straight line and wearing white clothes. Jason closes the shop and goes home.

Jason lives in an 800 sq/ft apartment in New York City with his dog blue. Blue is an English Bull Dog who is two years old now. Jason got him on his nineteenth birthday. Jason makes dinner for him and he gives Blue some dog food with his food. As Jason sits down and starts eating he gets a call from Elijah.

“Hey I’m coming over,” says Elijah.

“You can't I got to work tomorrow.” “I gotta open the shop.”

“I’ll be there in five minutes.” 

Elijah is Jason’s best friend from kindergarten, they used to live next to each other when they were kids. Elijah lives a block away from Jason.

*knock* *knock*

“What are you doing Elijah I told you to stay home, and why do you have all this stuff with you,” says Jason.

“I’ve been doing some research about the building across from your work and there is crazy people that go in there all the time. Missing cases are always happening around that area and I’ve been hearing that at night people will walk around in all white clothes,” says Elijah.

“I saw some of those people with the white clothes walking up the steps of the building when I was getting ready to close the coffee shop. There were about fourteen of them going inside the building. One of them had to be about nine years old and the oldest one looked eighty-three.”

“Wait you saw them? What were they doing?”

“Well they were in a single file line and went in the place one by one,”

“What time was this and why didn't you say something”

“Because I didn't think it was a really big deal I mean it's not my business to spy on them as you do. Is this what you do on your off time you sit and spy on people? What else do you have in this file?” Jason asked, now getting annoyed.

“Well to me it is and I’m just trying to stop the missing people from happening. I don't want them to end up like my sister.” Elijah responded 

“I'm sorry about your sister. It’s sad that she's gone but she went missing seven years ago”

“Exactly seven years that I’ve been trying to stop this so no one has to go through it like I did.”

“I am sorry but I have to go to bed I have work tomorrow you can sleep on the floor, blankets are in that tub over there. Goodnight”

“Goodnight, thank you for letting me stay here.”

“You're welcome, see you tomorrow.”

When Jason woke up he didn't find Elijah anywhere but he didn't think anything of it because Elijah goes on runs in the morning and he has been acting a little weird lately. When Jason got to work he opened up everything and started to get ready for the morning customers. 

Jason tried calling Elijah and it goes straight to voicemail Jason didn't really know why it went to voicemail but he thought maybe he turned off his phone to study more.

“Hey mister what are you doing, you should be in school.” says an old lady 

“I’ve been trying just saving up some of my money,” Jason responded 

“You keep doing what you need to do.”

“Is there anything I can get you?”
“No thank you I was just wondering why you are working here and not doing something with your life.” The old lady said as she walked out the door.

Later that night Jason is closing up the coffee shop when he sees Elijah in all-white clothes walking up the steps of the library. Jason starts to run after him.
“Elijah!” Jason yells and waves his arms at Elijah 

No response. He recognizes the old lady from yesterday and tries to talk to them but no response again. Jason tries to get inside the building but the doors closed on him before he could get in.

Jason bangs on the door but nothing happens. Jason tried to find a window to look through but was unfortunate. Jason calls the police.

“911 what is  your emer-”

“I think there is something going on Sullivan street,” Jason says frantically, cutting off the operator.

“What is going on?”

“There are people in all white clothes walking down the street and one of them is my friend but he disappeared last night.”

“Are you sure your friend isn't apart of something?” The operator responds, not really believing Jason.

“Just please send someone to help.”

“This isn't urgent your friend is probably playing a game. Call us when something bad actually happens.”  The operator hung up, thinking this was a stupid prank.

Jason goes and grabs a baseball bat from his car and goes to the door of the library, The door swings open hitting the wall. Jason walks in and he has no clue where he's going but he hears the old lady saying “Help.” Jason finds the old lady with no one around all alone he picks her up and gets her out.

 “Call the cops and say that they’re holding people in this building and torturing them,” says Jason.

“The cops are coming.”

“Did you see where they took the other ones?” 

“No the last thing I remember was knitting at home.”

Jason leaves her outside the building and runs back in to find Elijah. Checking all the rooms he sees dead bodies, and bloody rooms and there's one more room at the very end that has door number 13.

Jason gets ready to open the door, he touches the door handle and turns it. Elijah is in a pool full of water sinking towards the bottom. Jason leaps in trying to save his friend, once Jason gets to Elijah and gets him out of the water the paramedics show up and give CPR to Elijah. Elijah is coverned in cuts and beating wounds.

Time skip.

Later that day Elijah would have died at 10:39 PM due to internal bleeding and stab wounds, Jason regrets that he couldnt save his friend. The library was shut down due to the kidnapping, disaperences and killings of over fifty people including Elijah and his sister.

The author's comments:

I wrote it because theres a building where I live and this is what this is about.

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