Same While Different | Teen Ink

Same While Different

October 11, 2022
By iloufek BRONZE, East Brunswick, New Jersey
iloufek BRONZE, East Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Same While Different

     I lived an average life. I went to public school, I got good grades, I played an instrument, and I did sports. This was great and all but I wanted something more, I wanted to be challenged. So I decided to apply to Brunswick Prep. I didn’t think i’d get in. All the kids who go there have very wealthy parents and have lavish lifestyles. Even if I did get in I probably wouldn’t make any friends, i’m too different from everybody else. 

     A lot has happened in these last weeks of summer. I got admitted to one of the best private schools in Connecticut on an academic scholarship. We live about two hours away from Brunswick Prep. My mom's best friend lives ten minutes away and both her kids are also going to Brunswick Prep. So I moved into their mansion. 

            My room is stunning, it is on the third floor of the house and it looks out to the beautiful spacious yard. In the yard there is a creek, beautiful green grass, and an infinity pool. In my room I have a walk-in closet, vanity, and king size bed. I also have a bathroom in my room. I would have never imagined that I would be living this life. I have an au pair who cooks for me and cleans, I have a driver to school, and a spa just a couple floors down.

            The first day of school is tomorrow. I’m so nervous. To prepare for the morning I laid out my blue plaid skirt, collared shirt, hair accessory, knee high socks, dress shoes, and my new backpack. I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

            When I woke up in the morning I felt uneasy. How would it fit in here? Would anybody even like me? What if all these kids are too smart.? Whatever, I'll worry about that later. I brushed my teeth, put on my uniform, then did my hair. I’ve never dressed up this much for school. I checked to make sure everything I needed was in my backpack. And went downstairs for breakfast. When I got down I saw a spread that you only see in movies, I guess that’s what happens when you have a private chef. Bri and Ben were coming down the stairs as I sat down. Bri is in my grade and Ben is in elementary school. We ate breakfast and packed the last of our things.The aupair told us that our driver is here. We got into the car and headed to school.

            When we pulled up to the school my jaw dropped. I saw a beautiful white building that looked like a college. Bri and I got out and walked to our first classes. I had History to start.

            I walked into a classroom with perfectly clean desks. All the teachers and students were dressed professionally. We started by trying to get to know each other. The teacher started with a simple question. What’s your name and What did you do over the summer? The kids started to answer.

“I’m Daniel and we flew a jet to Bora Bora.”

“I’m Ava and we did a tour of Europe”

“I’m Aidan and we went on a yacht in the Mediterranean.”

I didn’t know what to say. We went on a road trip to South Carolina, I couldn’t say that, I wanted to fit in with these kids.

“I’m Claire and we went to Portugal”

The teacher asked, “What did you do in Portugal?”

Darn. I tried to remember the places in Portugal. “We went to the beaches in Algarve.”

Wheew, that was close, how would make it seem like I was like them all year if I could barely get through the first ten minutes of class?

Then, I went to my next classes. Cooking, english, biology. The classes were pretty good and before I knew it was lunch time.

The lunch room looked like a 5 star restaurant. This place is ridiculous. On the right side there was the daily meal. Today there was sushi. Raw fish in a school lunchroom?! On the left side was gourmet salads and sandwiches.

When I got my sushi I sat down at an empty table and a boy and a girl named Max and Julie sat down next to me. We talked and they told me about their extravagant summer vacations, even though I couldn’t relate. We had a lot of stuff in common and I thought that I found two good friends.

After lunch I only had three classes left. I walked into my next class and sat next to  a girl who looked really nice. Before class we had time to talk and I asked her what she did over the summer.

She replied, “Honestly nothing,I was mostly preparing to come here. We don’t live here, I got in on an academic scholarship and I’m living with my cousins for the school year.”

“Really? Me too!” I didn’t think I would find someone who I had stuff in common with but I did. We talked for the rest of class and I found out she likes a lot of the same things as me. 

I realized then that there were people here who had stuff in common with me. I didn’t feel as isolated anymore. I also realized that even though I don’t have much in common with the other kids here, we could still be really good friends. 

The day ended and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I made three new friends and finished the day with a different mindset than I started with. I couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see what another day would bring.

The author's comments:

I have a love for writing and spend my free time swimming. This piece was inspired by a private school near my town.

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