The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

October 21, 2022
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

The Storm

        Whilst the wind blew and the rain fell this family was fast asleep in their home. The older son could be found laying in their bed snoring loudly. The younger one would be sleeping with their parents, terrified by what was outside. The house itself was standing there on solid ground not willing to move for even the world. Outside this peaceful little bubble the world was not so nice however. Rain pounded down on any exposed surface it could find whilst the wind blew and blew. Rivers and lakes flooded over, flooding many homes in the process. What was once a beautiful meadow turned into a lake. The wind as strong as shockwaves bounced around the building knocking many things down. Electrical poles, trees, even buildings, none were safe from this storm's wrath. In the distance if one were to listen you could hear the crackle of thunder through the sound of pouring rain. In the sky not a star could be seen through the thick layer of blackish gray clouds that covered it. Back to the house the oldest son would be awakened by the sound of a loud crash from behind the house. Getting out of bed the son attempts to turn on the lights but when the light switch is clicked up nothing happens. Seeing that the power had gone out the son reaches for his lighter and lights the tip of a candle on the flame. Now with a lit candle giving off an orange glow the oldest son begins to walk down the stairs. Once he arrives on the bottom floor they head to the sliding glass door out back to check on the backyard. Moving the candle closer the eldest son looks through the glass. A topped tree collapsed and shattered in the backyard crushing the fence and the power box with it.  Having their curiosity settled he begins to walk back up to his room where he can rest easy for the night. Reopening the door to his room the son places the candle on the nightstand that laid next to his bed. Getting into the sheets he blows out the candle and the world goes black.

The author's comments:

Hurricane Ian was a deadly storm, so I wrote this just a few days after to put show people what it was like.

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