Facing danger | Teen Ink

Facing danger

October 25, 2022
By Anonymous

I always ran away from bullies, they always scared me because honestly, I was a scaredy cat. I would always run away from things that I feared, until I learned something. It was a normal day at school, I was being bullied, “hurry up,” said the bully, I will call him Steven, “are you going to give up the money you have so I can have my school lunch or not?” He was always like this, shaking me down for money so he could eat school lunch, which was cold pizza and crunchy tater tots that day. “Stop it man,” said my best friend, Josh, “can you pick on someone else some time else?”  
“Do you Want to get harassed by me?” said Steven. “I would rather me than him,” said Josh, “I am tired of you harassing him every day!” When Steven heard him say that he ran up and punched Josh straight in the nose. I ran up to Steven and we started fighting. People were videoing the entire fight.  
When Josh helped me fight Steven, the Principle and dean showed up, the kids that were filming the fight walked away and started whispering to each other about what happened. The people who were not there that day were shown a video of the fight. Me, Josh, and Steven had to be suspended for the rest of the week. My parents gave me a mouthful about being immature for choosing to fight Steven even though I was defending Josh. The video of the fight was posted across the internet, it went viral. 
The lesson of this story is that even though you fear something, it is ok to face your fears. But be careful, if you face the wrong fear, you might get punished instead of rewarded. If you choose to face fear with a certain approach, you might harm more people than you intended to harm.  

The author's comments:

       This piece is to show that even though you want to fight against a bully or someone bad in your life, you might cause more harm than good.

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