The Moment | Teen Ink

The Moment

November 4, 2022
By Anonymous

The sound of screams woke her up. She couldn't understand what was happening, until she saw her father throwing his arms around her mother, hugging her as tight as he could. Maybe if he had never let go, he could have possibly held the broken pieces together. That's when she realized. All the whispers with the door locked. All the muttering about hospitalization. It all made sense now. Her grandfather had passed away. It seemed as if she had lost a battle. Her mind had become a seething mess of incoherent thoughts and feelings. Some of them happened in unison, while some were fighting with each other, and a few were repeating themselves in an endless loop.

That moment made her realize that no one can stop the unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all toward an inevitable death. She realized that she should have given her loved ones their flowers while they were still here to enjoy them. Because the moment that has come is about to pass, and no one ever lasts forever.

The author's comments:

Not too long ago, I found out that my grandfather had passed away. I wanted to write about the moment I found out and how I felt when I realized it. I wrote about this because it taught me a lesson that I thought I had learned already. I used allegory, which is when you represent a general idea in a story. My favorite part is when I describe the mess of thoughts and feelings when I realized.


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