Sick | Teen Ink


November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

I feel so uncomfortable. I cant swallow, I cant move,I cant breathe, what can I do? Maybe it was the rain? Did the rain do this to me? Why do I blame the rain, maybe it was me? I should have listened to my mom and wore that extra jacket. Instead I sat on the bleachers exhausted and shivering like a cold puppy left in the rain late at night. Maybe it was me. 

When did this happen? Can the rain even get you sick? No, I think I just didn't care enough to take care of myself. And now here I am unable to do anything. I cant go out, I have no motivation for anything, I did this to myself. I cant really complain at this point. Maybe it was me

Maybe ill stay home tomorrow. When I feel sick I prefer dealing with it alone. It seems bad but who would really care if im sick? Everyone feels sick sometimes so why do i need to make myself stand out? Its been a while since I last felt this way, I was taking care of myself and listening to what my parents told me. But even that gets tiring doing it every single day

I realize I could feel this coming, I began stop doing stuff simply because I was sick again.But I didn't do anything to stop it. Now I have tissues, clothes, wrappers, books, food, shoes and cables all over my room. Im not cleaning it up, im sick

WIll I be sick just for today? Maybe it'll last longer. Maybe ill feel better tomorrow. I don't want to tell anyone I was feeling sick. My parents will have to take care of me again.Being sick means going to see the doctors for checkups, i've always hated the doctors, no lollipop could sweeten the expirience. Ill just go back to sleep, im too sick to do anything anyway.

The author's comments:

In this story I was inspired by getting sick over the weekend. I wanted to play around with hidden meaning. I waned to include a deeper meaning to just sitting around feeling sick all day, not able to do anything. I tried to use a bit of repetition in the beginning . I decided to write from the point of view of first person.

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