A Comforting Unwind | Teen Ink

A Comforting Unwind

December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

There was water everywhere. It rushed through the street and grew ever powerful as the rain continuously pattered upon it. It flowed through the slits between the dark, wooden planks of the rickety staircase. As I began to climb up, the steps croaked under the weight of my boots, heavy and tired from the adventures of the eventful day that was approaching retirement. They led me to my destination: a turquoise door weathered with the elements of countless storms. The numerous scratches and scuffs on the door revealed an untold story of all the door had endured throughout its arduous life. As I reached for the small, brass door knob, I felt its weight fall into my dirt-covered hand, almost as if I was supporting it. Just like the staircase, the loose door knob was being bolstered by rusted screws and poor craftsmanship, shortening its lifespan even further. 

I opened the door and was greeted by a rush of warm wind, courtesy of the heater that the owner of the AirBNB had left on. It was like stepping through a portal to a different world. There was a hint of vanilla in the air from the scented candles sitting on a rustic table to the left of the door. The table, sturdy and stoic, had two plush chairs around it and candy sitting in a bowl on top of it, inviting me to drop my backpack right then and there. There was a floor mat beneath my feet that I didn’t notice when I first walked through the door. It was an elegant, emerald green with a design so intricate that I felt bad about stepping on it with my filthy boots. I took off my shoes and walked further into the room while feeling the thick, brown carpet compressing under my feet. Even with my arms feeling like they were about to fall off, I mustered the might needed to drag them into the room and place them near the table. I scanned around the room and one of the first things that caught my eye was propped up by a little, ceramic kettle in the kitchen area: a handwritten note from the owner along with the password for the wifi. I began to notice more about the things in the kitchen like the equal amount of spoons, forks, and knives in the drawer. All the silverware was polished and neatly arranged within the cubby-like sections of the squeaky drawer. The plates in the cupboards weren’t plain old white ceramic but rather colorful and full of patterns, giving them more character. All of the furniture around the kitchen and in most other places of the room was wooden and an earthy, dark brown, giving me a homey feeling of comfort. 

Falling into the recurring theme of hardware made of wood, a door next to the bathroom was the next thing that drew my attention. It had a brass knob, just like the one outside; however, it was tightly in place and the actual wood of the door was in pristine condition. The fortitude from the walls and roof had protected the door throughout its lifespan, leaving it with a still visible sheen and smoothness. When I opened the door, which didn’t creak either, it revealed a closet with numerous hangers and a safe. The safe’s exterior was unpropitious and dark, making it seem as if it wanted you to stay away. Nevertheless, I knew that inside the safe was a haven for any items I wanted to put in there. Despite its repelling outward appearance, I trusted it to hold on to my belongings and keep them sheltered from outside forces. My feelings for the safe were almost identical for the room I was staying in, an unconditional trust that was unexplainable. I proceeded to take off my jacket and hang it inside the closet. Housed within the closet was also a stand for unpacking suitcases which I ended up dragging out as well. My fatigued arms and shoulders struggled to hoist the heavy suitcase onto it. After fumbling around all the clothes in the suitcase, my hands finally felt the soft, fleecy wool of the pajamas I brought to wear. They were a dull red and blue plaid but thick enough that I wouldn’t have to wear anything more to feel comfortable during the night. Putting them on, I felt a relief similar to rubbing your eyes after a long day or finally getting the piece of food that’s been stuck between two teeth for hours. The wave of fatigue intensified. My body realized it was time to finally rest for the day. I used the little energy I had left to make my way to the bed. 

I flopped onto the bed which felt like how one would imagine sleeping on clouds if they adopted the properties that are depicted in cartoons: the most soft and comfortable things on the planet. After a couple minutes, I summoned the willpower to actually get under the comforter, a decision that set me up for the best sleep I’d had in a while. It was like a warm hug that was entirely enveloping me. With the sheets still tightly tucked into the edges of the bed frame, I imagined this was how the filling of a burrito felt after being wrapped in a warm tortilla. The bed compressed under my weight and I fell deeper into the grasp of the blanket. The plush pillow, ever so gently, supported my head which was devoid from any thoughts besides the sound of the soft pattering of rain. All of the muscles in my body relaxed and my legs were numb as I fell into a deep slumber for the night.

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