Stevie Can Stevie Will | Teen Ink

Stevie Can Stevie Will

December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

It first started when Stevie was 16 years old. He just went to the movie theatre for a screening of Edgar Wrights Baby Driver. Before that moment, Stevie had no clue about his future, he was just entering 12th grade and his future never really crossed his mind. But within the moments of the movie ending and making his way out of the theatre, something within him felt very different. His mind was racing, taking in all of what he just watched. He found his purpose. 

Stevie knew the feeling he had after watching that movie was unlike anything he’s every experienced before. In the car ride home with his parents, Stevie religiously babbled about the movie. With his parents staying silent, he would go on and on about how interesting and lively it would be to act in an action movie. His eyes rapidly moved from right to left, mom to dad. No response. Moments after Stevie declared love for the film and everything that had to do with it, his mom shushed him, shook her head, and continued to say, “I completely dissaprove of that inconsistent lifestyle, think of what those people-” She stopped to put her hands up and airquote, “‘work’ for. They never have job security, frankly, I think it’s stupid.” Just like that, the smile vanished from Stevie’s face. The car ride home was silent from then on out. As soon as Stevie arrived home, his mind couldn’t stop. It wouldn’t stop.

 He quickly started deep diving into the life of actors and repeatedly went from movie to movie; finishing the night after his 5th movie. Stevie knew, this was his calling. But at the end of the day, he couldn’t get the moment out of his mind when his mother disagreed. He began to feel guilty about enjoying something that the person who has given him everything disapproved of. Months and months passed with Stevie’s interest in acting only growing. He practiced everyday after school and would memorize everything he read. Eventually it became the Spring semester of his senior year. It came to a point where he couldn’t hide it anymore. It was time. He prepared himself the whole week to tell his parents about his new purpose, his wants and goals of his future. 

Finally, at a family dinner Stevie decided to speak up. He knew that, with his senior year coming to an end, his plan was to move to California and start auditions. Once those words left Stevie’s mouth his parents both turned to each other. The look on their faces was nothing that Stevie had ever seen before. His mom immediately doubted him, along with his father shaking his head. “You know thats ridiculous right? You arent fit for that lifestyle. You wont make it second.” Stevie’s mom announced after she had a laugh about the topic. This broke Stevie’s heart. He knew he wouldn’t get her blessing but the utter doubt in her voice made him want to prevail. He left the dinner table without another word and stayed in his room. He didn’t talk to his parents for the following weeks, only small talk and routine conversations. The end of his school year came and he decided to confirm with his parents about his move and new career. Once again, his parents disapproved, saying that if he went to California, they would never reach out, never talk to him, act like he doesn’t exist anymore; like they don't have a son at all. And there he went. He left. He defied the opinions of his mother and father, not knowing if that would be the last time he ever talked to them. But that wasn’t the main focus in his mind. He had a chance to succeed, or even attempt the future hes dreamed of his whole life. He had no plan, but that excited him. It excited him that this was the first step in a long line of other steps, but that idea didn’t fear him. 

Stevie was on the move and he knew what he had to do. Practice. He would practice and practice and practice. His faith within his ability was strong, stronger than it ever had been. Tears appeared on his face, was he sad or relieved? He knew the answer was relieved. He felt free. He felt like he actually had control over what he wanted in his life. For the first time ever Stevie was in control, he paved the path for himself, it wasnt dictated by his mother or father, but by him. He knew that he had no excuses now, no reason to not do what he wanted to do all along. This added pressure. But Stevie knew the pressure was necessary, and it wasn’t all bad. It was up to him to achieve what hes been only dreaming to achieve. For hours and hours he drove through the terrain of southern America with only one destination in mind. Los Angeles, California. With only minutes to go, he passed the state border into California and everything up to this point was worth it. Stevie displayed the world’s biggest smile. It was time for him to finally do what he dreamed of. Act!  

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