Fear | Teen Ink


December 9, 2022
By MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trees: that was all Samantha could see whilst running through the forest. The leaves crunched under her  with each step, and her breath hitched in the cold winds. 

“Samantha!” she heard some call to her among the faint shouts of her friends heard behind her but all she could focus on was just running. 

She couldn’t handle the pressure of all the people watching. The audience, full of friends and family who wanted her to succeed, but Samantha didn’t want to lose, not again. 

Just months prior Samantha’s eyes aligned with the arrow, her back straight, and hand pulled as far back as the string allowed. With nothing in her way but her target, a red dot with two arrows lodged in the dead center.

“No pressure,” James said with a grin. An expert at archery and the winning champ 3 times. 

 “If you miss, no one will forget.” 

Samantha, already feeling stressed out, just froze; she had no idea what to do! 

“Shoot the arrow already!” said an impatient person in the crowd and out of fear, she fired the arrow. The arrow soared through the air, hitting the target just short of a bullseye. 

“YES,” James shouted, throwing his hands in the air. The crowd went wild with cheers and whistles echoing through Samantha's ear. Samantha couldn’t understand why she froze but she was mad. Her mom and friends tried consoling Samantha but they were only fueling the fire growing inside Samantha even more.

After everyone had left she told her mom she wanted to stay and practice. Her mom told her to be back before midnight, Samantha agreed. Examining where she had fired the shot that cost her the game she kept telling herself, I can’t let that jerk win ever again, he will never win again, never.

“Samantha!” By this point it sounded like a whisper, she stopped running and just sat down on the side of a tree. Panting, cold, tired, she smacked the pile of leaves next to her. I can’t lose, not again, so why did I run? She questioned herself, asking the same question over and over trying to think of the reason.

Then it hit her, I was scared. She could hear the crunching leaves getting closer. 

“Samantha!” It sounded like it was right behind the tree. Samantha got up and walked around the tree saying,

“I’m here!” she exclaimed 

Samantha was stunned, it wasn’t her best friend, mom, or even James but her dad! 

“What are you doing this deep in the forest you’re going to get lost out here?” He asked

“If your mom knew about this you would be in a lot of trouble,” he stated. 

“She does know, I just couldn’t lose again,” she mumbled, sitting back down on the tree. 

“Well I know my daughter does lose, but what does she do after she loses?” He questioned sitting down right beside her. 

“She runs away and sits nex–”

“NO!” he said with a stern voice.  

“My daughter gets back up and keeps on trying, you’ve done that your whole life!” 

“Yeah but what happens if I freeze up again?” she asked. 

“Then she learns how to overcome that challenge, what calms me down after I get into an argument with your mom is just taking a deep breath,” he explained 


“Not buts, go back to your game and try your best, it's just a game after all.” 

“Thanks Dad,” Samantha said whilst calming down. 

“No problem Kiddo, now make everyone proud!” 

With that Samantha stood up and ran leaving her dad next to that tree.

By the time she got back the game was almost over with her and James being the last person needing to shoot. James was as happy as could be and Samantha could see why. He was in the lead with 2 bullseyes but no one could even hit 1. 

“Can’t wait for you to see me win for the 5th time. You can’t do anything about it,” James said to Samantha whilst arching his back and bringing the arrow to his eye level. He released the arrow and it flew through the sky striking the target just above the red circle. 

“Beat that,” he said with a grin staring directly at Samantha 

I will.

Samantha knowing that she had to get 3 bullseye was understandably freaking out inside her head. Can I do it? Will I be able to do it? What  happens if I freeze up? 

She then remembered from her dad to take a deep breath.

Samantha closed her eyes, visioning the target, taking a deep breath she fired. 

*Crack*.  The arrow connected with the target, Samantha opened her eyes to see the arrow hit the dead center of the target

The crowd went wild but Samantha knew she would need two more to win. She once again arched her back, pulling the arrow back but didn’t close her eyes and once again took a deep breath then released. She watched as the arrow soared, just barely hitting the dot.

The crowd went wild knowing that James could actually lose!

“Lucky shot,” said James. Just like yours she thought to herself, wishing one day she could say it to his face.

Once the crowd fell dead silent Samantha arched her back for the final time this game drew her arrow back.

“If you miss this makes the 5th,” James muttered to Samantha

Samantha trying her best to focus with all of the pressure on her took a deep breath. 

You can’t let this jerk win again, he must fail, I must make him fail. 

Determined with absolutely nothing on her mind except revenge she took a deep breath and fired. The arrow flew like a bullet, straight into the dead center of the bullseye, securing her victory.

The crowd erupted as they realized James had lost and James himself couldn’t comprehend what Samantha had just done.

Samantha couldn’t understand herself, she had done it. I did it? I DID IT! It was all she could think about and started to scream in joy. 

As her family swarmed Samantha, she could see her dad off in the distance towards the forest, smiling while leaning onto a tree. She waved back and looked around seeing just so many people asking her as to how she did it, or how she even got into archery.

Samantha, ignoring the questions, walked out of the crowd and saw James, who couldn’t move on. He just layed down on his back, looking towards the sky. 

Samantha walking over said, “As much as I would love to say something sarcastic or mean, good game.”

James, still stunned he lost and not being humiliated, shocked him even more. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes whilst thinking about what he did.

The author's comments:

This is the first ever piece that I've written that is about a sport and with a female protagonist! I enjoyed writing this and I feel proud of myself for what I've written and hope to whoever reads this enjoys it.

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