Circle of Love | Teen Ink

Circle of Love

December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

“Get off of my lawn now,” Nancy screamed from the porch of her large, brick house.

A group of rebellious teenage boys sprinted through the grass and weaved through the thick bushes that lined the edge of her house. Nancy exhaled deeply and a thick smog of cigarette smoke evaporated from her lips. Her fiery, red hair whipped in the harsh wind of the December air. Her protective white Pomeranians yipped as Nancy rounded them up and brought them inside. 

“Kids these days, so stupid. All going to waste their life away fooling around.” Nancy heaved under her breath as she opened the heavy front door.

Nancy’s house had a sense of luxury. The gold pleated windows, picture frames, and banisters sat delicately among expensive tiles. Throw pillows and soft blankets laid effortlessly as they draped themselves over the furniture. Cheetah print carpets wove seamlessly into the designs of the house. It was impossible to pinpoint the scent that floated throughout the air of the house, but in one word it could be described as expensive. Nancy walked into the kitchen, her stiletto heels clicking rhythmically against the floor. The pearls that hung from her neck sat still, and the clanging of dozens of gold bracelets sounded with movement. Nancy poured herself a large glass of red wine and sat forward on the couch. Her dark red lipstick placed small stains on the rim of the glass with each sip. Nancy sipped delicately from the cup, she did not want the thousands of dollars she had spent on botox to go to complete waste. As The Housewives played from the platform TV in the living room, classical music filled the silence of the house. Nancy lived completely alone and the void of sound was just a reminder of her loneliness. 

About 10 years ago Nancy’s husband passed away. His long and grueling journey with cancer had put Nancy’s life on pause. In some ways, Nancy’s life and spirit died with her husband. She was once full of energy and joy. Nancy’s affectionate laugh was contagious and recognizable. Her eyes glistened with an unknown sparkle. But the loss of her husband had taken Nancy’s heart and ripped it into shreds.

Nancy was now notorious for her aggressive demeanor. Kids and adults alike stayed clear of her. She lacked any filter when voicing her opinions and was not afraid to say the first thing that came to mind. Her upfront, bold, and scary attitude was intimidating and she was used to always getting her way. There was never a circumstance where Nancy had been told no. She had the nicest house, the most expensive pearls, and the best wardrobe. Nancy made sure to look her best on every occasion, as she still longed for a sense of love. She was desperate for a connection and someone to confide in. Although she portrayed a sharp demeanor from the outside, she secretly dealt with her problems. It was often that Nancy looked around the emptiness of her house, and cried herself to sleep. The money and success that she had worked for could not fill the emotional void for love that Nancy craved. Nancy had been on dozens upon dozens of dates with no prevail. Rarely did she ever receive a text back from a man, no matter how well she thought that date had gone. Nancy had very few connections with friends or family. She refused to be truthful to other people with the issues that she was battling, fearful she would appear weak. However, one true connection lies between Nancy and her daughter Emily. Emily was now happily in love and on the road to marriage. Seeing this blooming romance fueled Nancy’s sadness even more. It was hard to imagine that she would spend the rest of her life completely alone. 

“Emily, I just have no clue what to do. I’ve done everything I possibly can to make a connection with someone and it always fails.” Nancy cried.

“Mom, there is someone out there for you. Love takes time and patience, and forcing yourself to be with someone is never the answer.”

“I guess your right. I just feel like I will never love anyone the way I had loved dad.” Nancy exhaled.

“I might be able to change that,” Emily answered with a wide smile along her face and tears welling up in her eyes.

Emily reached into the back pocket of her jeans and slowly pulled a small object out. Emily held it within the palms of her sweating hands.

“ 3,2,1” Emily said as she opened her palms, revealing a pregnancy test.

“What is this?” Nancy questioned in a state of shock. She was unable to comprehend that this could be happening.

“I’m pregnant, you are going to be a grandmother.” Emily cried.

Nancy immediately burst into tears. She grabbed Emily in a warm embrace rocking her back and forth. It was from this moment forward that Nancy’s life completely changed. The next few months merged with one another in a blur. Typically consisting of all things related to preparing for a baby. Nancy bought heaps of small outfits, dedicated her days to baby-proofing her house, and filled her empty shelves with toys. She created a nursery within her own home for the baby complete with a crib and changing table. Nancy had committed herself to be the best grandmother she could possibly be. The love that had been building inside of her for years was now fully dedicated to this child. She spoke with a new sense of joy. Her sparkle and contagious laugh were prevalent wherever she was. Nancy evolved a warmth about her, that drew people towards her. She no longer dragged through life with sadness and regret, but rather walked cheerfully and seemed to always have a large smile plastered across her face. Nancy had no idea that she was capable of loving something so much, especially someone that she had yet to meet. 

Months later Nancy entered the hospital. She was completely blind to the cold, blue lighting of the building but rather saw it as a place of change. The ding of the elevator sounded and Nancy immediately jumped. She grabbed her dozens of bags and couldn’t help but march excitedly as the elevator doors opened. Scanning dozens of door numbers, Nancy finally found Emily’s room. Nancy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her pearls still laid carefully on her neck, her fiery red still stood out, and her heels still clicked on the tile, but there was no missing her change in attitude. A face that once rest solemnly was full of life.

“Where is she?” Nancy asked as she dropped all her bags onto the floor.

A small giggle sounded quietly in the corner of the room. Nancy walked carefully over to a small table. 

“She’s perfect,” Nancy said through a collection of tears.

The baby girl had rosy red cheeks, a button nose, and long eyelashes. Her beauty was matched by a sense of leisure and calmness about her. On top of her head laid a singular red curl of hair.

“Look at her name,” Emily said.

Nancy scanned a piece of paper full of information until her mouth dropped open.

“You named her after me?” Nancy asked placing her hand across her heart.

She picked up the new baby girl and held her close. Nancy’s mind filled with memories yet to be made and she was full of reassurance. The beating of their hearts seemed to sink entirely with one another. The void that had filled Nancy’s heart had been patched and filled instantly, and Nancy knew that everything would fall into place.

The author's comments:

This is my essay for a character driven story.

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