That Plum Book | Teen Ink

That Plum Book

December 14, 2022
By aaubreyfrugone BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
aaubreyfrugone BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bright, shining sun was peeking through the window and the cracks in the curtains, sending streaks of pale orange light softly across the well kept room. Every piece of clothing was neatly placed into the dresser and every nook and cranny of the room was organized precisely. Books lined the windowsill, half of which had already been completed many times through. Lying there flipping through every page, the scent of the library still lingering. Cheerful music played delightfully in the background of the undisturbed, unalloyed child. Reaching the final page of the plum cloth covered book, in which the ending filled her heart with vibrants shades of red and pink. 

The shouts of the family on the floor below echoed in the calm room. The uncontrollable laughter and undeniable happiness excited the child as she began to rise from the bed. The book was returned to its perfect place on the shelf and she gracefully walked down the stairs. The music played gingerly behind her, humming the tune as she walked. Her flawless smile remained as she took every step, staying pure and un-troubled with every stride. The feet elegantly pressed into the floor with every step down the beige, carpeted stairs. 

Turning the corner with the same delighted attitude as before, her eyes were met by the eyes of the family. Stepping towards them, with hopes to enter and join in on the love that had been spread around the room. Silently sitting in the corner of the group, anxiously and patiently waiting for the enthusiasm to resume. The drunken mother stood next to the father which looked more miserable than the child would have imagined one could. Their once overflowing grins faded and her heart began to race, moving away from the cold couch in the corner of the slate room. The mother scolded the girl as she would every night, screeching barbarous words towards the youthful mind. The figure ridiculed the child with such words that could not be repeated outside of the broken home. The sound pierced her heart deeper with every word that was spoken, like a dagger. Tears filled and blurred her ocean blue eyes. The cruel dialogue hurt the young girl in an unimaginable way. Each sound that was muttered from the womens mouth came in the form of an incoherent mumble, watching as the girl slowly disappeared, into a lifeless being. The now muffled shouts filled the room and the women faced the girl with disappointment and hatred.

The gorgeous slate room turned to a cold gray and the remainder of the family watched all her typical vibrant glow fade. She held and watched as her red heart slowly ceased to beat and shatter into millions of tiny little pieces. At that moment, she could not believe that this once beautiful woman would yell such harsh phrases at the child she claimed to love and cherish. The words were now how she viewed herself, from the refined child to a distasteful girl. The tears fell with such weight that the girl heard every drop hit the frozen tile. Each floorboard creaked as she walked back up the stairs, each movement sucking every ounce of energy that was left. 

After weeks upon weeks of constant shouting and tiring arguments, it became too much. The girl sprinted to her tidy room and tore every single part of the room. The books on shelf watched as she ripped every shirt, shoe and slowly every book away from their usual places. She had stopped for just a second and picked up the plum book she had been reading before. She read the final page again, which spoke of a happy, perfect family being reunited and the tears began to flow faster. She then heard the family resuming back to their pragmatic environment. She fell to the floor and the world went quiet. The thud her body made as it fell left no sound so the family below could forever remain oblivious that this young child had lost any innocence left. 

The moonlight was peeking through the dirty window, leaving streaks of somber light placed across the cluttered room. Every piece of clothing was recklessly thrown out around the dwelling, leaving a sea of mess that covered the unseen floor. The tear-filled book sat at the bottom corner of the windowsill, where its beautiful plum cover was highlighted by the moon’s cold reflection. Melancholy music played lightly, filling the disorganized room and soothed the lonely girl. Delicately clutching the cushioned pillow on the cool bed, watching the masterpiece of stars and constellations which painted the sky. The soulless body lay peacefully on the disordered bed and it’s mind drifted off to sleep. 

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