The Christmas Decision | Teen Ink

The Christmas Decision

December 16, 2022
By MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
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There I was, having to decide what next move I was going to makethat would possibly change my life for the rest of it. 

Am I gonna regret it? I wondered.  


I’m Liza and and i just turned 21 a couple months ago. i'm with the best man of my life--or so i thought.

Toby is a millionaire who works for a very good company that is spread all around the world.  We had just gotten married right when i turned 21 and been together for 3 years. Christmas is just around the corner and we were so excited for it. 

Recently,Toby started to seem a little odd, I’d say it’s been ever since we got married. i never quite figured out why, but I didn't pay attention until a day before Christmas. 

We sat down to eat our dinner which i made, spaghetti with meatballs, his favorite. 

But he didnt eat. 

”Toby why aren't  you eating? I thought you liked that,” i said. 

He sighed and said, I’m not hungry. I’m just stressed about my job. Just leave it Liza.” 

He picked up his phone and started texting someone as he walked into the living room. Wow he really left me here alone eating by myself i thought.  But after that day on i got suspicious about what he was doing.

Is he cheating on me? Did he lose feelings? Who is that mysery person who he is always talking to on the phone. Ive caught him being on the phone with someone while i was asleep at 4am. So i decided to spy on him a little i guess. I got my spy clothes on ready to go. I go on my car and followed him to work, lets hope he wont catch me.  He got in the building and entered, so i followed him behind alot of people. Then i see him enter a room, a meeting room im pretty sure. He is talking to some other workers and his boss and by the way they were speaking it sounded serious to me. 

Also did i forgot to mention my best friend works with him?. Well she does, she walked into the meeting room and i waited outside a couple minutes then I saw Toby and my Best friend Abby walk out together. I didnt think much of it since they knew eachother way before i met Toby.  Then i saw them walk into another room. Toby´s office, 

Then thats when i heard the most shooking thing ever come out of my Best friends mouth. "When are you gonna tell Liza about ur promotion its been 3 months since you got it and ur gonna leave after New years.¨   

Toby seemed upset, ¨i know, i know but she loves it here i dont know if she will be ready to do it¨ 

I was furious about the whole situation so i stormed into the office and started yelling at both of them. ¨ I CANT BELIVE YOU TOBY, YOU HID THAT FROM ME BUT TOLD MY BEST FRIEND? AND YOU ABBY, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD TELL ME!¨ 

Then i noticed tears running down my cheek so i just left and went back home.  I saw my phone on the way back

 ¨18 missed calls from Toby.¨ 

How upsetting, when i got back i just went to my room and slept. I got woken up to someone touching my cheek, It was Toby.  

Before i would walk away he said ¨let me explain Liza i swear i didnt wanna hide it from you." so i let him explain and when he was done he didnt convince me at all, seemed like made up. 

But then he asked me to make a choice on wether to go with him to New York or stay here by myself. I didnt know what to do at the moment. Should i stay here with all my friends and family? Or leave to New York and start a new life. 

I didnt know, But then i decided. 

¨Im staying Toby." i said, 

Toby didnt even bother begging me to go with him he just agreed and left with his stuff. 

We were really over, we werent even married for that long and he just left… But inside of me in my heart, i know i did the right thing. 


A couple months went by, I was with my family for Christmas and New Years with my friends. I was still a bit sad over Toby tho. Until one day i was scrolling through instagram and i saw my friends story (Abby)  i opened it and was so confused, It was her and Toby holding hands infront of the Statue Of Liberty. Then all of a sudden i got random thoughts, ¨were they together all this time even when he was with me¨

¨Why would they do this to me¨. I wasnt able to take all of it at once so i started bawling my eyes out.   Then after a couple of hours i got a call from Abby, i didnt answer of course but i saw she left a voice mail and so i opened it. I heard her say ¨i know you saw my story and i just wanna say ur missing out on Toby and beautiful New York¨ and she started laughing. I turned off my phone, cuz in that moment  i was having alot of thoughts. Sad ones, evil ones, revenge ones.

But the Revenge ones made me feel a certain type of way.. Like a feeling of satisfaction.

 I wanted to kill Abby for saying that to me or even daring to. I didnt even plan anything of this. I booked a flight to New York, got hotel. I was ready to murder her, i didnt care if i got caught i just needed the plesure of seeing her dead body.  I waited until i saw her post a instagram story of where she was. 

Bingo,  She was at a coffee place with Toby. So i got a uber and went a couple of blocks away from the place so i didnt get caught. Then i saw them there, all loving. I grabbed my gun and placed my head down so they didnt recongnize me.

Then i was there standing infront of her, pointing the gun to her head while laughing. 3 shots to her head. I dont remember much i just remember the screaming and getting hand cuffed and pulled down to the floor . But i had never been that happy in my entire life..

The author's comments:

This story is about a complicated relationship and a crazy ex wife 

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