door | Teen Ink


March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

2/13/23 “ what comes next” 

When I started walking home I felt my feet getting filled up with water as I walked through the woods, sticks and leaves all across the gourd I could barely see the path. “Ahhh” I screamed as my legs slip on an acorn I hit my head against this tall tree with roots as big as me I look up and see a shiny opening in the tree, it had a handle and everything I peeked in and I see a family of squirrels but this wasn't an ordained family of squirrels they had a kitchen and a table with pots and pans and bowl I was so stunned. Then a little squirrel came out it had beautiful fluffy hair with a tiny hat on it was super cute it started at me then ran away,  I look over and i see a little bed with two blue pillows and a gold seashell pillow right in the middle. Am I in a dream?  I finally got out of the door and I started to wonder if this was a setup or am I just hallucinating. 

6:37 AM 

I get out of my bed and start getting ready I look out the window and there are hundreds of squirrels caring little tiny pumpkins of all different sizes then I look to the right and I see a tiny sign with even tinier letters I couldn't read it, I grabbed my bag for school and rushed out of the door I bend my knees and look at what the sign says, “farmers market”  then I look around and I see little oranges, apples, strawberries, watermelon you name it! I start feeling a little itch on my back leg I turned round and i see a squirrel it look mad, “ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I started to scream and run. “Hunny what's wrong?!?!” my moms screams I run torawds her and scream “ look mom look do you see this it is crazy i am scared” “hunny…. there is nothing there?”

The author's comments:

squirlls takes over 

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