The Ticket | Teen Ink

The Ticket

April 3, 2023
By Anonymous

I would not take the ticket that will make you disappear forever because then no one will be able to see you again. Also people would run into you because they can't see you and people would probably not want you to play sports with them because it would be unfair. next people might want to stop being there friends because they can't see you and won't know where you are. Also if you tried to sneak up on someone they would just see floating clothes and if you pick up something all everyone would see is whatever your picking up is floating. Also people would make fun of you cause your invisible. Also if you raise your hand to answer something or have a question the teacher would not see you. Also if you were playing football the quarterback would not see you so he would not throw the ball to you. Next it would be weird seeing floating clothes just walking around. But it would be a good thing if you were playing hide and seek or if you were sneaking up on somebody because they would not know where you are because you are invisible.

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