My day off | Teen Ink

My day off

May 2, 2023
By Anonymous

I had just gotten home after a long day of work and was preparing to collapse on the couch from exhaustion. After running around a crowded restaurant and getting yelled at by angry customers I could finally rest. While the quick rest on the couch was nice, I really needed to grab something to eat. I grabbed a quick snack right before I took the longest shower of my life. Suddenly I heard a loud ringing coming from my pocket. As I saw the name, I got excited not knowing my excitement would quickly end. My best friend Cally was on the other end, and she sounded as if she had just woken up from a coma and no air could reach her nose. With her groggy voice she uttered “Hey Anna. I know you just got home from work, but I have a really bad cold. Could you please help me?”. Of course, she had to be sick as soon I get a moment of silence. I can’t be mad at her though. It’s not like she wanted to be sick. 
 I defeatedly picked up the phone and said, "Yeah of course I’ll help you. I’ll be over as soon as I can. Have you eaten any dinner yet?". I could hear the enthusiasm in her tone just from the mention of food when she said” No! I’m starving! Can you please pick up something for us? Maybe like pizza or something”. I figured she’d ask for something unhealthy like that. I stated “Well since I’m going to the store I might as well pick up some soup to help you feel better. It might help your voice. You sound like you’ve been screaming for days on end.”. She remarked” Hey! It’s not that bad! Soup sounds amazing though. Thank you!” As soon as she screamed “Thank you!” All I could hear was a raspy coughing fit. I guess she reached her limit. I quickly said” I’ll be there soon” and hung up the phone. 
 I ran around my apartment to grab my stuff and throw on my shoes. After I was finished, I bolted out the door to my car. Of course, the traffic was the worst and made my trip probably twice as long as it should have been. I reached the store 20 minutes before they closed. Just my luck! I didn’t know I could run as I did that night. I sprinted through the doors and grabbed a basket like I was running in the Olympics. I up to the most disorganized medicine isle I had ever seen. Of course it was! After about 5 minutes of rummaging around like a raccoon, I had finally found the medicine I needed.  
My adrenaline kicked into high gear as I dashed to the soup Isle. I grabbed a few cans of soup and threw them in the basket. I flew to the register and exclaimed” I’m so sorry! I know it’s late! Please forgive me!” The cashier looked at me like a psychopath just ran up and started yelling at her. After a few seconds I realized why. I guess I had been running faster than I thought I was. Apparently in my frenzy of running throughout the store, I had cut my arm on one of shelves. While it was not a big cut by any means, it still had managed to get quite a bit of blood all over my sleeve. I quickly apologized again and ended up also buying a pack of band aids as well. After another traffic filled drive, I finally arrived at their apartment! I grabbed the groceries and stomped up the steps. 
 I opened the door only to find my best friend had passed out on the couch snoring loudly. I went over to the kitchen that was overflowing with dirty dishes. I decided to help her out again by cleaning up around the place. It wasn’t hard to clean but as soon as I was done, I threw the cans of soup into the pot to heat it up. After a couple of minutes, the house was filled with a warm aroma. It had apparently been strong enough to pull Cally out of her deep sleep. 
 She jolted up like she was a meercat and jumped off the couch to see what I was making. She could barely contain her excitement. The soup was done quickly after that. She nearly burned her hand from pouring the soup too quickly. I grabbed a bowl as well and we both strolled over to the couch. We surrounded ourselves on blankets and pillows almost like a fort of some kind. We through on our favorite movie and ended up eating even more snacks after the soup. This day was a mess, but I guess it was worth it in the end  

The author's comments:

This piece shows that even when you are at your lowest your friends will be there with you.

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