Play or Screenplay Script- Follow Your Dreams! | Teen Ink

Play or Screenplay Script- Follow Your Dreams!

May 25, 2023
By TeenInkWriter16 BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
TeenInkWriter16 BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Lily arrives at her home after just getting home for work, she's exciting to tell her parents the news that she is finally moving to New York to pursue her dream job. She enters the house seeing that her mother prepared dinner and her father is seated at the table; their faces expressed a serious look as she sat down. She greets them and sits down to pray for the food that has been given, as she looks up, she notices that her parents are unusually quiet. After a few minutes her mother begins talking and suddenly asks for her attention.

Mom: "Honey, your father and I have been talking, we think that it's time for you to get married. As you know, I have told you about our conversation with the Anders and their son isn't getting any older. So, we set up a date for you-"

Lily: "Mom, I said I wasn't ready for marriage! You know I was getting ready for a job to be a lawyer!"

Father: "We have already let you delay your marriage, but you are 24 now. We both agreed that you should give up on that silly dream of yours. You will get married to the Anders son, end of story!"

Lily: (Lily stands up in anger) "No! You agreed, I will not be forced to marry someone I do not love nor know. My "dream" is what I want to focus on, I will travel to New York and become a lawyer with or without your support."

Mom: "Let's all just calm down and talk about this-"

Father: (Her father stands up to show authority) "You will get married and forget about becoming a lawyer. If you do not obey my demands, you can get out and don't ever think about coming back when you fail!"

Lily: "Fine, I'll be leaving then and I won't even think about coming back! I was planning on moving out of here anyway!" (Lily exits the room in a hurry)

 After the argument, Lily packs up her clothes in a suitcase and heads out the door. Her mother tries to stop her as her father looks at her with disappointment drawn on his face. Lily doesn't spare a single glance at them as she calls a cab and heads to a hotel nearby; when she arrives, she pays and stays in the lonely room until the morning. She finds herself conflicted, should she go back home and obey her parents' wishes? Did she make a mistake, could she truly leave like this? No. She can't give up that easily, Lily is heartbroken that her parents don't support her decisions, but she can't give up. So, she books a ticket for New York and heads to the airport determined to show her parents that her dreams mean something.

 As she arrives in New York, Lily becomes unsure of how she should start, so she contacts a relative that lives in New York also, Aunt Margaret, for advice. After finding out where she lives, she heads there and greeted with a warm smile. Her aunt invites her in as she makes tea for them, she tells her what happened, and her aunt begins to comfort her.

Aunt Margaret: "I know it's unfair how your parents didn't support you, but you can't let that stop you now. Apply to college, get your degree and become a lawyer! I'll be there for you every step of the way; I also know a friend who's looking for a roommate."

Lily: "Thank you auntie, you're right. Ill apply for college and a job right away."

Aunt Margaret: "I will have to let your parents know, I'm sure they're worried about you."

 Her aunt's advice was needed and everything she could ask for; she signs up for a job as a waitress and applies for colleges in hopes of becoming a lawyer. After a while, she gets accepted and studied as hard as she could, it was hard struggling with college, a job, and bills along the way. But her hard work eventually payed off and she graduated with flying scores! She then applied to become a lawyer and in a few years, she becomes the youngest and best lawyer anyone could hire; she defended those less fortunate, took care of the poor, and flew to the top. Of course, she made some mistakes along the way, but she overcame them and pushed through it. Now she lives in her own house and even found herself a lover, but she couldn't stop thinking of her parents. She conversated with her aunt, like many times before, and she told her that she should contact them; give them a chance to apologize as it's been many years. Lily was scared to admit that she was hesitant to contact them, but one day, she gets a knock on her door and came to see that it was her mother and father with guilty looks on their faces. Aunt Margaret must have contacted them and told them where Lily was staying, she was still unsure but invited them in, she can't avoid this forever.  They all decided to sit down and discuss the past until her mother breaks down sobbing.

Mom: "Oh honey, we are so sorry, ever since you left, we regretted kicking you out!"

Father: (He starts to comfort his wife as he looks at her with a sullen expression) "No, it was my fault. I admit that I should've been a better father to you. If I supported your decisions this never would've happened. I'm truly sorry my dear."

 Lily couldn't help but cry as well. She hugs them and accepts their apology as they break down in each other's arms. Lily is happy that the conflict between her parents and herself is over, she can finally rest knowing that everything will be fine. A few years later, Lily is 27, married with two kids, her parents and herself are still in good contact as they visit almost every month to see their grandchildren, this wouldn't have happened if she didn't go to New York and chased her dreams. Now she has loving parents, a husband, kids, great friends, and her dream job still blooming every day.


The author's comments:

Hello, I am currently a high-school student and I'm publishing this for an assignment. Please feel free to give me feedback on how I should improve my writing, thank you.

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