Emotions | Teen Ink


May 26, 2023
By 928638 BRONZE, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
928638 BRONZE, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn’t stop me. I have a problem with letting my emotions take advantage of me. My name’s Henry and I'm in 8th grade. I go to school at Wildwood middle school. I have my close friends but our school is really divided by people. Everyone has their own group at school. I play Football and Lacrosse. So I’m an athlete. I guess I should get to the point of why I’m writing about this. I like to write whenever I have problems, it helps me out. So i’m gonna get started

I was in Biology class and it was a good class. We did a lab and it was a simple class. I was thinking the day has a good path. I went to Math and we had a work day just doing homework preparing for our test next week. After I had Gym class and we played soccer outside on the turf. It was fun I played goalie and it was just to be with my buddies and Mr. Hill. I went to lunch and I got a spicy chicken wrap with salad, fruit, chips, and milk. It was a good lunch. After lunch I had history and we’re learning about the 90s right now. I really like history, it always keeps me interested. I have 1 more class left. This is when everything took a turn. The path couldn’t go further in the right direction anymore. It was Language Arts. There’s a small group in my class who I just think are annoying and immature. It gets to the point where I want to say something but I just don’t because I don't need to get involved with any drama. It started when we had about 15-20 minutes left in the day. Our teacher was checking on our essay’s since it was due the upcoming Monday. I felt good after Mrs. Hill, Mr. Hill’s wife said my essay was awesome and she was proud of me. The path felt too good right now. After Mrs. Hill looked at my assignment she went over to this kid Billy’s table. Mrs. Hill was trying to help Billy but wouldn’t put his phone away and was being disrespectful to Mrs. Hill. Billy kept being disruptive and this is when I couldn’t take it anymore. I said ” Yo can you just be respectful?” He replied and said “Are you talking to me” I said “I’m looking right at you aren’t I” He replied back with some profanity. Billy then got up and tried to walk towards me. I said “ What are you gonna do now…. What, take a picture, it'll last longer.” As Billy kept looking at me while now approaching me” Mrs. Hill is trying to stop all of this. I unleashed when Billy insulted my family. That’s when I got in his face and he hit me. I hit him back and threw him to the ground and started punching him on the ground. 

Teachers separated us and we were in the principal's office. Moral of what happened in the principal's office is he asked what happened and I told him and he insulted my family that’s why I got in his face. I got suspended for 2 days, Billy got suspended for 4 days and got searched and our principal found a vape in his backpack. I went home to my parents and broke down with my emotions because I was so upset. My parents tried to calm me down and tell me it’s okay. My dad told me as long as I was standing up for my family he said he was proud of me. My dad said that “ Family is the most important gift in mankind.” He also was proud I protected myself and didn’t start it. In all after this when I came back to school I apologized to my teachers, principle, and especially Mrs. Hill for causing drama in her class. Me and Mrs. Hill are super close, like friends you could say our relationship is like. Mrs. Hill wasn’t upset at all; she just said to not let your emotions get to you and also” I can stand my battles too(Wink), thanks for standing up for me though.”

 I learned my lesson and just hope colleges can still realize my GPA is met and hope this doesn’t affect my future. I go to therapy now and my goal is to control emotions, and write more whenever I feel stressed or have any problems. It’s been going good. I’m glad I got to let all this out Dr. Anthony was sure right, this does help me a lot. Emotions, they’ll get ya. 

The author's comments:

I made this story up along writing it. 

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