Pure Bliss | Teen Ink

Pure Bliss

May 31, 2023
By dolphinlover479 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dolphinlover479 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pure bliss is the experience that transports you to a state of complete and utter joy. What transports me is hearing that last bell wake up and ring telling me it's time to leave school. It hits me knowing I don't have to come to school for the next 3 months. Laying on the beach in warm weather is all that is on my mind. Excitement and silent screams fill my head knowing I won't have anything to distract me for 3 months, but the sound of snoozing my alarm over rules the loudness.  My head calms listening to the sound of the waves while loving the feeling of the sun beating down on my skin. Leaving me with a warm burn and sun kissed face of freckles. 

Pure bliss is also being alone in my room, my hot cocoa and cream candle is freshly lit, the sun is barely hanging onto the sky and night begins to fall. I'm comfortable with being alone. I turn on a movie, get all bundled up and I'm relaxed. 

My mind eases until I hear a call. Its pure bliss calling once more. Or just my friends. Sounds like a plan came up on my agenda and a new adventure is about to begin. It could be as simple as just being in their presence or doing something big like going cliff jumping. Going to the fair, going on the boat, having a campfire with s'mores, swimming, etc. all the summer activities you can think of.

 As long as I'm surrounded by the people I care for the most, doing the things I enjoy-that's what pure bliss means to me, and the experiences that transport me to a state of complete and utter joy.  

The author's comments:

this story includes my take on what pure bliss means to me and what I do to achieve that feeling. 

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