Revenge of the Robots | Teen Ink

Revenge of the Robots

September 7, 2023
By Mauro_Gomez9 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Mauro_Gomez9 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year was 2120 and technology had developed so much from the 2000s. In this year there is non-gasoline cars, robots are used more frequently, and most currency has been changed to online currency. Even weapon technology for wars had been using robotic weapons as well as healing technology, but with such advanced technology poverty had been at an all time high.

          Even with advanced technology people were not on board with robots entirely. The robot change was good because the robots can hold better information than humans which can be used for school, hospitals, fast food delivery, and more.All of that is good good for the health and to keep humanity alive, but was bad because robots would be taking the jobs of humans leading to poverty and unemployment. As in the case of a guy named Jake, he used to be an engineer for a robotic company called Star Labs. Jake was actually one of few engineers in Star Labs that was a big contribution to the robot movement. He specialized on the type of robots that would be used for war, his ideas would be that either a robot or drone would have the role of a medic in war battles to help any injured soldiers. He had proposed the idea on a call to higher people in rank such as the chief of military and the president.When he proposed the idea the chief of military and president were very impressed, but the feedback that Jake received was very interesting.

          The president and chief of military said that the idea is great and could save many soldiers lives and injuries, but they both wondered if the robots can be used as combat weapons instead of using them as medics. Jake made the argument that is too dangerous and can have many flaws in trying to make a combat robot.He went on saying its possible but it would take more engineers and a new design for the robot to function as a soldier properly. The president had been looking at the blueprints Jake sent him while he was talking. The president later questioned Jake if the blueprint of the medic robot can be used to make the combat robots that he requested. Jake only agreed on the idea because he thought that the president would allow his medic robot to be made if he agreed on the president's idea.The president was excited to hear that his idea will work so he ordered Jake to scrap his medic idea and use the blueprints to make new ones for the combat robots.

          Jake was so in shock that he looked like a statue with what the president said and quickly went on a rant that he had spent years working on the blueprint, so Jake told the president that he refused to help him. The president did not care if Jake had spent years working on the blueprints, so the president ordered Jake to do the combat robots or he would be fired from his job. Jake refused to follow orders and now he was an ex-engineer and fired, he went back to Star Labs to try to collect his belongings, but they didn't let him back in since he was fired effective immediately. He later went back home and despite being fired, he was more furious that the president would be using his robots for bad instead of good. So he decided that would stop them from making the robots himself. 

          Jake had some ideas to stop the president from continuing his plan on the combat soldiers. He knew that maybe he could build his own robot to stop the president. So the next morning he went to a special junkyard where robot companies would leave their scraps of their own robots that they would not use or robots that did not work for them.When he got to the junkyard, he saw that the scraps of the robots actually get melted in a very hot fire pit, so he couldn’t get any scraps anymore. He then thought that maybe if he warns other companies about what Star Labs is doing then maybe he can stop the president from making combat robots. When Jake went to speak to the managers of the other companies to try to speak to the CEO’s, the managers were concerned about Jake because he started to prattle as if he was a crazy scientist. The managers did not think much of what Jake said because they knew that he had been fired recently and were more concerned about his mental health. He had one more idea in his head but was really risky, his idea was to break into the Star Labs company and to stop the production of the robots or to find the blueprints of the robot. Then he thought to himself that it was a very bad idea and he could even go to jail.

          Jake went home after all his ideas to stop the president's plan. He laid on his couch and turned on the tv. When he turned on his tv he saw the president give a speech announcing that they are in the making of combat robots. At that moment Jake felt absolutely defeated and was very mad. During the speech of the president he even showed the production in Star Labs of the combat robots, but something very unexpected happened. While a camera was showing the process of the production a robot went out of control and started to make a mess while the production was still going, thi caused even more robots to go out of control. Jake knew something like this would happen because there is a specific code in the medic robot that would deny it from its original purpose. At that moment Jakes figured out a way to stop the chaos of the robots. Jake had the original code in his garage because he was the one to invent it, so his idea was that if he can get the code published online in the same server as the other robots then he can stop them from going any more crazy. Jake grabbed his laptop and a hard drive where he would send the original code to all the other robots. It took him a while to set up the code and get the right servers because of how many robots were in the city, but he got the code out in less than an hour and when he published the code, the code only took a few minutes for it to affect the robots.

The author's comments:

Im a student of Pasadena Memorial Highschool and im in the football team.


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