When you least expect it | Teen Ink

When you least expect it

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

 There I was in the middle of my last period of the last day of school waiting for the bell to ring to be able to go home and finally being able to be free from this prison I call school. Looking at the clock watching the seconds tick by. Still watching the clock I start to hear an aggravating voice calling my name over and over again, and then I start to realize that the person calling my name was my math teacher Mrs. Anderson.

 “Laila!” she yelled at me like I was miles away from her.

“Yup that's me” I answer sarcastically. 

“I’ve been calling your name for the past minute already” 

That's weird. I haven't heard anything this entire time that's weird. But I didn't care. I just let her keep talking to see what she wants from me so that she can leave me alone.

“I’ve been calling you so that you can come up and answer the question on the board” she said with an annoyed tone.

“Oh alright”.

Then I started walking up to the board to answer the question, but as I saw the question I realized that I have no idea how to answer it. I look behind me to get help from my best friend Isabella for help. Isabella and I have been friends since the first grade and we’ve been inseparable ever since. But I tried to see if Isabella knew the answer but she just shrugged her shoulders with a confused face so instead I just guessed and hoped for the best. 

“ Uhh . . . negative twenty five” I say with an unsure tone.

“No you're wrong go sit back down and pay attention” she says with a sassy tone.

So I went back to my seat Isabella laughing at me as I passed by her. As I sat back down the bell had finally rung for the end of the school day and the beginning of summer. So I headed out to the door of the classroom, but I noticed that Isabella wasn't following me so I just waited outside by the classroom door. As I waited for Isabella outside of the classroom I noticed her just staring outside the window contemplating something.(Foreshadowing) I call her name out to get her attention.

“Isabella!”I yelled

“Huh . . . oh sorry I'm coming!”.

She grabbed her things from her desk and walked over to the door where I was.

“What were you staring at?” I asked.

“It was nothing important, come on, let's go out to get something to eat. I'm Starving”. 

So we headed to a local diner by the school to get something to eat before heading back to our separate houses. When we went into the diner we could hear music playing in the background as people talked. We headed to the back of the diner to get a table to sit on. When we sat down the waiter came over to take our orders.

“I’ll have a BLT with fries and a lemonade please” Isabella ordered.

“And I’ll have a hamburger with fries and a strawberry milkshake please” I said, planning to dip my fries in my milkshake which some people would think is adulterating.

“Alright I’ll get those for you in about ten minutes” he said with avarice being his motive to work.

“Okay thank you” Isabella says with a smile.

“Bz Bz”(Onomatopoeia) Isabella's phone went off  and I asked her 

“Who Is It?”.

“Oh it's no one” she answers quite quickly like she was trying to change the subject.

“Oh alright then” I say with an indecisive tone.

She's been acting weird lately I thought but I don’t bother to ask her anything about it just in case it's something personal she doesn't want to talk about. So I just dropped it for now. It was already turning dark so we decided that it was best for us to head home. But before we separated I decided to ask her one more time what was bothering her but I got the same response as the other times I tried to ask her and as we were about to part ways her phone started buzzing again. After that day A week had passed that I have been trying to call and text her but no response. So I just decided to go over to her house and find out for myself what's happening. When I got to her house I knocked on the door to see if anyone was home and after a minute the door finally opened. Isabella's mom was the one who opened the door and she didn’t look so good. She had bags under her eyes and messy hair with baggy clothes on.(Imagery) When she noticed that it was me she let me in.We sat down in her living room while she explained to me the horrible truth that had happened. 

My best friend Isabella had taken her own life.

Her mother explained to me why she did and the reason was because of the stress she had been going through with work, summer school work, and with family responsibilities. After a week of finding out the terrible news we had a funeral. All of Isabella's friends and family were there at the funeral to pay their respects. Few months later passed after the funeral and I have been dealing well with the whole situation. I went to visit her grave to put some new flowers and to fill her in on how life was. Putting the flowers by her grave I sit next to her grave and look up at the sky.

“Hey Isabella it’s been a while huh . . . It’s been lonely without you but I'll get through it lifes been going ok for now just starting up school again. It would've been our last year of school together. But I'll finish for both of us and live a long and happy life just like you would have wanted . . .  Well it’s time for me to get going but I’ll come and visit again soon”.

As I walk away I just think about my future and how I’ll live it to the fullest for Isabella and me.

The author's comments:

It took forever to write

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