Fight in his name | Teen Ink

Fight in his name

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

"Hey dad... I'm unmotivated." What? Why do you say this? "Well for past week and a half I've been doing the wrong things, and getting mixed with the wrong people." "I'm lacking discipline and I don't know what to do." Okay okay calm down Sebastián. I went through something like this when I was around your age. "What helped you get over it?" Not what, who. "What do you mean apa?" When I was 17 going through the amateur ranks I was lacking discipline, going around doing dumb stuff, and hanging around the wrong crowds. My coach was always there to help me out and set me straight. "You need to find God and leave all this distractions and temptations behind" he'd always say. I would try to listen to him but it always seems like the devil was getting to me. "The devil?" Yeah, growing up I'd say it was the devil getting to me and I had to fight him off. Trust me Sebas the devil is gonna be the hardest fight for anyone. I only beat him cause I found the one thing I was missing. In 2023 I was scheduled to fight in October. Man when I tell you I was so ready to whoop some butt. I was ready, so I thought. People had no idea the mental problems I had going on. Of course instead of trying to solve my problems I jus hid them. Causing me to lose focus. I gained over 20 lbs. I felt as big as a Water Buffalo when I would even think of food. I started blaming everything that happened to me on God. I hated to way I was and said he did this to me, I turned my back on him and didn't want to open that door ever again. Weeks to months went by with my no God no love attitude, it didn't get me far. I wasn't as fast as I once was, I couldn't move around like I once could, I couldn't even last 3 round like I once would. With my stamina, agility, and power gone I did what I thought was right at the time. "You talked to God?" No son, I picked up some bad habits from my childhood. It was a miserable few weeks. "It was only a few weeks." Yup. When I thought I was alone, right next to an old greed and yellow gas station in the south side of Pasadena, my coach saw me in my brand new white jacket with a drink in a brown bag I wasn't supposed to be drinking. He came up to me and smacked the drink out of my hand. I'll never forget what he said next. "what he say?" He said "I forgive you already but I'm not gonna forget this" I told him I was sorry and I don't know what to do. All he did was look up to the sky, looked back down at me and walked away. Man Sebas when I tell you I cried, I cried my eyes out when I got home. That next day I went to my abuelas house. She made me a meal and I asked her to give me a cleansing. So for a solid 25 minutes she was splashing holy water on me and praying over me it was like getting unstuck from quick sand. Right after she finished and I thanked her for everything I went to a church. I walked through those doors got on my knees and said "thank you for knocking again." After that day I felt my power, agility, speed, iq and much much more come back to me, making me a more complete boxer and sure I lose a few matches here and there but I knew that God had my back in every single match I had. My amateur career went to 23-4. I went pro at 19 and now look at my accomplishments. A beautiful family, amazing kids, and a legacy still being made. Look Sebas, if you're anything like me you won't take this too seriously but if there's one thing I can tell you it's this. God will always be knocking.

The author's comments:

This peace is more or less about and average amateur boxer going through the troubles of life and religion. 

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