Gorgeous Greece Getaway | Teen Ink

Gorgeous Greece Getaway

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt that I was in Greece, the beautiful colorful buildings stacked upon one another, the magenta one standing out. I sat on the porch drinking an Arnold Palmer, eating my sweet buttery Belgian waffles, and noticed a portrait staring at me… It was Abraham Lincoln, such a weird thing to appear for some reason on my patio. I then got up to go turn on some Zach Bryan music and I spilled my Arnold Palmer, and the puddle looked like Okauchee Lake and reminded me of home since I spent many days of my summer there.. I zoom out of my hotel room, room 479, to go to the ocean to snorkel. I see something I have never seen before. I see a seahorse. Holy Moly was that cool! Ope, the sun's setting, and oddly reminds me of the line “something in the orange tells me we’re not done.” Which then reminds me of…. So weird, so anyways I rush back to my hotel, hitching a ride on a griffindor. I get back and head to bed. because tomorrow is my first day as the new lead neurosurgeon transfer at the top hospital in Greece. 

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