Fearful vs Fearless | Teen Ink

Fearful vs Fearless

October 17, 2023
By Anonymous

As the worker strapped me into the harness, fear consumed my body. My hands began to shake and thousands of thoughts swarmed my brain. It was as if I had been struck by lightning. But I tried to remain calm. It wasn’t time yet. 

As the workers strapped me into the harness, excitement consumed my body. I was bouncing off the walls. Like I had just heard the greatest news of my life. Part of my brain told me to wait my turn, but another part suggested jumping the line to begin. I did the reasonable thing though, I stood with my family and waited as patiently as I could.

As I approached the first platform, my heart began to race. Off goes my dad. Off goes my mom. Off goes my two older sisters. Then, off goes my two younger sisters. Finally it was my turn. Knowing I would be thousands of feet above ground frightened me. My fear of heights had taken over. But, if my other family members could do it, so could I. 

I stood on the platform, careful not to fall off. It was high up, so high it almost seemed as though the sky was right in front of me waiting to be touched, but heights never scared me. I watched as my dad took off. Then my mom. Then my two oldest sisters. My third older sister let me skip her, I guess she was scared. Finally, it was my turn. My heart started racing with excitement. I clipped into the zipline. I didn’t want to wait any longer, but the reasonable part of my brain forced me to wait for the instructor to give me the okay.

I took the leap of faith and emerged from a cave of leaves. Holding my legs up, tightening my core, trying to do everything right. I couldn’t make any mistakes. Half way through the ride, I finally opened my eyes. The beauty shocked me. The voluminous trees, filled with colors of yellow and green. The water below was so far, yet I could still see the small ripples. Each aspect was so memorable and so worth it. It was an eye-opening experience to say the least.

I jumped and headed off. I started cheering with joy. The leaves parted, and I was swallowed with awe. The trees were large and a vibrant green, radiating off of each other. The sky was cloudy but still bright as the sun. I sprawled every limb out as far as possible and threw my head back in pure bliss. I let out a loud “Wooo.” I wanted to pretend to fly, but I kept holding onto the rope for safety, just in case. Every line offered a new view, and just when I thought I’d seen the best the next one was ten times better. My adventurous spirit had been satisfied and my curiosity was fulfilled, and for that I'll treasure this experience forever.

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