Maneater | Teen Ink


October 30, 2023
By Anonymous

I hunt swimming slowly along the shoreline just under the water. No average food would be fooled but im not hunting for average food i hunt for the hunter. As I crawl along I smell fish blood and hear another crocodile. A small one not worth checking out. Then I heard something very promising. A motor. A bang. Splashing. I hunt going a little deeper and sprinting towards the sound. As I swim  I hear another crocodile sprinting. It must be very close simply because I can hear it over myself. Another hunter. I hit the first man at full speed. They are  the big ones who usually have tougher skin. It makes no difference as I rip it in half with one shake of my head. The other crocodile hits right after just as big as me; it's one I've hunted with before. Just as skilled if not more than me in hunting men. I spin around swallowing the half of the man I nabbed from the shore line and take stock of the situation. There are some men in the water about a third of my length deep though it comes up to their shoulders. A boat sits out deeper with a crocodile shredder mounted on the front. Those are nasty. They spit fire and can completely annihilate a crocodile without touching it. The boat is small enough i can destroy it so i charge and use a smack of my tail to fling the boat in the air then leap up to snatch a man out of the air. The other hunter leaps to grab one and crush another with his tail. The ones by shore climb onto land and I swim off into the swamp with my meal.

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