The Life of Ego | Teen Ink

The Life of Ego

November 2, 2023
By SuryanshGupta BRONZE, Cupertino, California
SuryanshGupta BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The world was bustling with life, people walking around not caring about each other on their phones, eating their scrumptious food. The cars zoomed with loud noise while the city lights flashed. The boy walked with his family looking around while his feet tried to only touch the tiles diagonal to the next. Some college students rode their loud motorcycles through the busy street. He went up to a person and asked where he got the food from. But his parents quickly pulled him away. The person looked with disdain upon the child almost as if he was a small rodent scurrying around. The child wondered why some people were so mean. 

“Well I can just ask my mom” he said to himself. 

The man was one of the people that thought they were better than everyone else just because they were more “gangster”. He proceeded to meet the real gangster, Death, after he foolishly challenged an armed man to a fight. The next time he asked a woman where she got her dog from. This time the woman held her head high up and walked away like she was some queen. He looked at her amused that her ego was so high. “ Another person having an ego.” He said again to himself. But he did not realize his ego was also very high. As for the woman she was executed for not bowing to the real queen.

Now the child is all grown up and has a very successful life but his ego is even higher. As his ego rises his social life becomes lower and lower. His ego was a mountain while his social life was a hole that he dug himself. Soon he has no friends and no connections. This causes his economic wealth to plummet. He became a walking zombie. Soon he met the god of ego, God, because he walked into a flock of poisonous birds that were poisoned by the toxic gas his companies factories emitted.

As he ascended, he saw his ego crumble and burn. He was finally free.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how tons of people have egos and it tries to portray that using a story-like format.

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