A Love Scorned Versus Nature | Teen Ink

A Love Scorned Versus Nature

November 25, 2023
By LinChiang BRONZE, Seoul, Other
LinChiang BRONZE, Seoul, Other
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“Now we go to our reporter on the scene. What do you have for us, Julia?”

“I am here in the seaside town of Sokcho where over 6,000 firefighters and soldiers have been battling the blaze since early yesterday morning. The large wildfire has torn through the eastern coastal area and is threatening a nearby nuclear plant. The fire has spread over 13,000 acres, destroyed over 120 homes and structures, and prompted the evacuation of over 7,000 local residents.

As of now there have been no reported injuries, but there have been missing people reports filed for three senior citizens who live in the area alone. Images from drones have shown large swaths of black smoke emerging from the mountains that cover the eastern coast.

Officials were investigating the cause of the blaze which has grown rapidly among dry and windy conditions. They can give no approximation when the wildfire will be contained.

Hundreds of firefighters worked furiously overnight to successfully prevent the blaze from reaching a nuclear power plant located about 12 kilometers from Sokcho. President Yoon issued an alarm as the fire reached the perimeter of the seaside nuclear power plant which forced the plant’s operator to cut off some electricity lines and reduce operations by 50% as a preemptive measure. Reporting from Sokcho, this is Julia Kim, MBS News.”

“Shut off that TV, Avery,” commanded Molly. “I’m sick of the fire. Whoever started that thing is gonna rot.”

Avery suddenly turned to her grandma with wide eyes.

“Who said someone started it? The news didn’t say that. Who told you someone started it?” asked Avery.

“Nobody told me that. It’s just a guess. What’re you so nervous about?” inquired Molly.

“Who, me? I’m not nervous about anything, why would I be nervous?” 

“I can’t remember the last time I didn’t sleep in my own bed. They evacuated us out so fast that I didn't even bring my toothbrush,” complained Molly. 

“Don't worry about that grandma. They’re gonna provide us with anything we need. Just enjoy the motel,” said Avery.

“I just hope everyone got out of there safely. Say, doesn’t your boyfriend live at that small farm by the base of the mountain?”

Avery turned away from Molly as tears welled up in her eyes. She didn’t want her to see that she was about to cry. 

“Yeah, he does …,” Avery answered. 

“Did you call him to make sure he's alright?” 

“Oh I’ll do that right now. I’m gonna call him from outside.”

Avery walked out of the motel room and headed to the rear parking lot so that  she could have a smoke and gather herself. Her hands shook as she took the lighter out of her pocket and accidentally dropped it in front of her. That was the lighter. The main piece of evidence and she cursed herself for not getting rid of it. As she lit a cigarette, Avery thought back to how it all began.

Avery and Dan had been taking a hike on their favorite path that they had walked along since they were kids. The lush forest, fresh air, birds chirping, and the squirrels scurrying about was what she missed about her hometown. After Avery had gone off to college in Seoul and Dan had enrolled at a local college, they were only able to spend time during extended breaks together and Avery was really looking forward to this summer where they would be able to spend the entire break with each other. 

As she looked up at the clear blue sky, she took a deep breath of fresh air.

“I love it when I come back here. Seoul is so polluted and smoggy that I need to wear a mask almost everyday,” she said.

“Yeah there’s nothing like the countryside,” Dan responded.

“You know, after I get my bachelor's degree next year, I’m thinking about applying to graduate school at Kangwon National University so that I’ll be closer to home. And you, of course,” Avery said as she looked into Dan’s eyes. 

Suddenly, Dan let go of her hand and stopped on the path.

“What? What’s the matter?” Avery asked.

Dan hung his head low and replied, “Uh, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Then tell me,” Avery shot back.

“Well, I’ve been seeing someone,” Dan said.

“Seeing someone. You mean another girl?” she inquired with her heart pounding.

“Yeah, I met her last year in my botany class. We were in the same study group and studied the foliage around Seoraksan National Park,” Dan said with a lump in his throat.

“And?” Avery asked with fire in her eyes.

“And, well, we really got close this year and well, she’s pregnant,” Dan told her.

Avery dropped to the ground and started to sob uncontrollably. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Dan just looked down at her and didn’t even try to comfort her.

“I … I … can’t believe you are doing this to me,” she sobbed. “We’ve been together since middle school and now you’re telling me you got some flower skank pregnant. I hate you!!!” she screamed.

Avery looked up at him and she didn’t see any remorse on Dan’s face. He kept looking around and it seemed like he was looking for a way to leave. 

“So you’ve got nothing to say?” she asked as she picked herself up.

“I’m really sorry, but things just happened this way. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Dan professed.

“You didn’t mean to hurt me? You're having someone else’s baby, you despicable, rotten piece of trash. You’re gonna regret this for the rest of your life!” she threatened.

“Are you threatening me?” Dan asked.

“You need confirmation on that? You think you can do this to me and get away with it? You will rue the day you betrayed me,” she yelled as she stomped away and left him in the woods. 

Avery ran to her car and drove off furiously. All she could think of was revenge. She suddenly thought about turning the car around and running him over when he came out of the path. She had gone temporarily insane and was on a mission to destroy Dan’s life. She then drove to a convenience store to buy some alcohol to dull the emotional pain and drank in the parking lot.

After two hours of drinking and cursing in the car, she had a plan and went back into the store to buy some charcoal. She then drove recklessly to Dan’s parents farm where he lived. She didn’t care that she was drunk driving and swerving down the rural path. Finally, after parking her car down the road from the farm, she walked over to the farm property with the bag of charcoal and a lighter. 

With no contemplation, she went to the barn and placed the charcoal briquettes on some grass hay used to feed the cattle. She lit the hay on fire and calmly walked away.

Avery shook in dread in the parking lot of the motel as she recalled what she had done at the farm. In her moment of insanity, she had lit the barn on fire and it had spread to the fuel tank that was used for the tractors. It blew up and now half the town was on fire. She was sure no one had seen her but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure. All those beautiful trees and mountainside that contained so many colorful flowers were burned beyond recognition. She looked up, and the blue sky was nowhere to be seen through the hazy smoke that now filled up the skyline. She also wondered if Dan’s parents were okay.

Avery walked back to the motel room and was surprised that the TV was back on as she came through the door.

“Oh my god, Avery. The news said that it’s arson and that it was started on a farm on Clifton Street. Isn’t Dan’s family farm on 15th Street?" Molly queried.

“Be quiet, the news is talking about it!” she demanded.

“Fire investigators have confirmed that arson was the cause of the fire that started on a farm on 15th Street. The ashes of charcoal briquettes were found in a burnt out farm and there were lives lost too. According to police, a family of four was killed in the blaze along with dozens of cattle. These are the first reported deaths from this fire that has raged since yesterday morning. CCTV from the farm has been reviewed and as you can see from the video footage that we have attained, the main suspect is a female between the ages of 20 and 25 who was wearing blue jeans and a pink hoodie. Anyone with information on this suspected arsonist should contact the Sokcho Police Station. Reporting from Sokcho, this is Julia Kim, MBS News.”

Avery sat down on the bed stunned. She had killed Dan, his parents, and Dan’s little sister. Tears started to stream down her face and then she looked at her grandma who was staring straight at her. They locked eyes and Avery knew she was caught.

“You were wearing your pink Nike hoodie yesterday. I know because you are still wearing the same clothes since yesterday,” Molly told her matter of factly. 

Avery looked down at the pink hoodie she was wearing and mumbled, “It … it … he dumped me yesterday,” Avery mumbled.

“Avery. Listen to me very carefully. You set a fire that has burned over 13,000 acres to the ground. Hundreds of trees are gone. Wildlife in the forest are probably all dead. Avery. You killed Dan and his family. You have to turn yourself in. Oh my God! What have you done?” Molly screamed.

Just then they heard a loud scream outside.

“Search warrant!” someone yelled.

The motel room door went flying off its hinges as the police battering ram smashed it. Swat team members in full combat gear flooded into the room with their guns out and handcuffed both Avery and her grandmother. After being read her rights, Avery was led out of the motel room and a sea of news cameras engulfed her.

“Why did you do it? Do you have anything to say,” asked the reporter Julia Kim, who Avery recognized from TV.

Avery looked straight into the camera and responded, “I regret the damage I caused to our beautiful town. I am a lover of nature and never meant to do any harm. But may Dan rot.”

The author's comments:

I am a junior at Seoul International School. 

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