The Sunset and Sunrice in Our Life | Teen Ink

The Sunset and Sunrice in Our Life

January 21, 2011
By Diyan Nedelchev BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Diyan Nedelchev BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was raining outside. There were no people walking on the sidewalk. Cars were passing with their lights on, it was getting dark.

He was there staring through the window, inside the house was silent. Antony sat there for hours. His heart was broken, he was broken. He thought of every single moment with his mom. Antony knew she was gone, but could not fight it. He was weak and hurt.

In the other room, his dad was sitting in a chair, with his head down to his knees and hands through his hair. He was crying, his wife was gone, the person he loved all his life. He has not slept in a week, he asked himself why her, not me. It was dark and depressing in the room. He thought of Antony, his only thing left in the world. He knew that he has to be stronger, that way he was going to help Antony.

He stood up in front of the mirror, looking at himself. His face was yellow and full of pain, his eyes were red and tired, his beard was growing up. He washed his face and went to see Antony. Antony was still staring at the window. He was not blinking. His father hugged him. Antony started to sniffle.His dad told him:

- “That can not bring her back, I knew you loved her so much."

Antony did not say anything. After 5 minutes of silent Antony’s father told him:

- “Imagine a picture of us two. We are on the beach, just us two. It is early morning. The sun is coming up. Look up to it. That our new future, the past is past. We will always have your mom in our hearts, but now is time to move on.”

Antony was not ready, but he knew that way is better.

Both of them wanted to move on, so they did. Now they are living in small house on the beach. Every single morning they are looking at the picture that they have imagined. The future was their present now. Both of them were happy. The woman that has given them so much will be in their hearts forever.

The author's comments:
I wrote my piece by looking at the picture of sunset with a man and child holding their hands and looking at the sky.

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on Jan. 23 2011 at 11:00 am
lswithspunk BRONZE, Opheim, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
\&quot;why take life seriously, none of us make it out alive anyway\&quot;<br /> \&quot;censorship is like telling a man he cant have a steak because a baby cant chew it\&quot;--Mark Twain

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