Voices in my head | Teen Ink

Voices in my head

February 19, 2011
By Jesse-Marie- PLATINUM, Freehold, New Jersey
Jesse-Marie- PLATINUM, Freehold, New Jersey
46 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love is to live. Without love, what is life?"

It's true when they say I'm a freak, but I enjoy every single minute of it. I let my imagination take me anywhere I would like to go. My mind whispers, "Free me". Canvases can't even contain the beauty of my ideas. But, there is a bad side to all of this creativity...

The voices in my head.
They disagree with everything. They tell me this and that. They should really leave me alone. I scream at them to mind their own business, but they never listen..

Leave me alone! I scream, I beg, they just don't leave me.
I'll talk to my friends, they but into my conversation.


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