The Business Man | Teen Ink

The Business Man

February 19, 2011
By Anonymous

You were thirty and married
but not to me.
Not to the high school girl that you met and fell in love with
Not to the high school girl that you gave your pin to
Not even to the high school girl you left home for

you were married to you work

To all of the late nights staying at the office
To all of the coffee runs
To all of the extra business meetings
To all of the bones your boss was throwing you

You were married to computers, to breakrooms, to money, to power, and to yourself

Months and months i would sit at that door and wait for you to bring flowers home for my birthday. Our anniversary. Christmas.

Months and months I would sit at that door and wait for you to actually come home for the diner that was set for you on the table.

Months and months i would sit at that door and wait for you to kiss me hello and ask how my day was.

I waited at that door for you
I would wait until my feet went numb.
I would wait until my belly grew hungry
I would wait until my eyes became heavy

I waited, for months and months and months.

And now i wait by our babys crib. and she waits for her daddy to come home

Now you dont just have a 3 letter title that looks nice and pretty on your huge maple desk.

Now you dont just have the power to feel in control

Now you have a wife with a 3 letter title that looks nice on the bolloons from my baby shower that you missed.

Now you dont just have your own power and control. You are stealing mine.

Because you see we are a pully system.
As you go up and up in your prefessional growth,
i become smaller and smaller to the universe.

As your chest puffs out with pride in your new life
I am withering away bit by bit im OUR life

You drain me of my time, my emotions, and my love.
You expect me to give love for you and our baby, the same way you give love to your spread sheets.

Because you see you dont just have the power. You grip it and squeeze it and chase afer it as if it were a bottle and you a baby. Trying so hard to get it in your grasp so you can drink it all up and be nice and full. Then once having it, sucking it down reguardless of everything else around you.

Its sometimes funny how much you have in common with the baby daughter you never saw being born.

Its sometimes funny how much you have in common with the baby daughter you cant remember the name of.

It's sometimes funny how much you have in common with the baby daughter you knew nothing about until i told you for the 4th time.

Anna and i are eating diner again, waiting by the door.
Waiting by the door, for the business man.

The author's comments:
This is not an assignment from my creative writing class wich is what i have been posting. This is early something that I started writing at 2:15 thismorening and finished at around 2:45, then reolzed i could no longer fall asleep. ::CURSES::

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