The Patient | Teen Ink

The Patient

March 9, 2011
By quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

The girl smeared blood-red lipstick around her mouth, avoiding the lip-ring she had since last summer. A sharp pain flashed through her head. The girl feel to the ground clutching her head while she felt explosion of pain simmer down. She stood up and looked in the mirror. As her final message she wrote on the mirror with her lipstick, 'I'm way to young to die, but God is taking me anyway. And I'm not scarred.' She stumbled out of the hospital bathroom, and ran her fingers over the band on her wrist, claiming her 'incurable'.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a story, of how brave cancer/tumor patients are, and how amazing they are.

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