Rebellion | Teen Ink


March 16, 2011
By quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

She had done it all to spite you. The piercing, tattoo, the Harley rider. Just to teach you, but you couldn't learn, and now she isn't here for you anymore. You have no control over her, you failed. Life isn't supposed to be easy; that's why there isn't a instruction book. Congratulation old man, you chased your flesh-and-blood away. You couldn't treat her right, you were never there when she needed you most. After all the pain, it should be okay that she left. Though somehow you're so sad. Maybe you should have forgotten your 'busy job', and not you daughter. Now you can't fix it; all that's left is to buy her and that Harley rider. If only they weren't high at that time; then maybe you would have had a little more time.

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