Cheering At Football games <333 | Teen Ink

Cheering At Football games <333

April 4, 2011
By bRobs24 BRONZE, Limerick, Maine
bRobs24 BRONZE, Limerick, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is like 2:00 in the afternoon and we have a game at 6:00pm at the high school. This will be my first game this season that i have cheered at, I am pumped!

I had lots to do! I had to straighten my hair and do my eye shadow green gold and white. This was going to be the best cheering season ever! I though in my head. So after all of my fin stuff i had to do. I ran to the car and got right in the car and slammed my door got yelled at and then we were on our jolly way! :)

Okay so when we got to the football game at four thirty I had to practice so then my mother left and came back a little later when the game started. So we practiced our half time and stunts and cheers! It was awesome!

The game was almost going to start when the cow bells rang and we had to stand in our spots. We were all so scared for how half time was going to go but then when it finally started we all had butterfly s in our stomaches. But when we did our first cheer the butterfly’s flew away. After that cheer we had to do a jump line and I sat down on the track and got tar stain’s on my butt! It was very embarrassing.

It was time for half time Every one was scared but we knew that we would be fine because we had to practice it about a million times before. So, we were on the center of the field and every one was shaking with nervousness. We did our beginning stunt and we did that fine I but a check next to stun in my mind. Then we were off to our dance lines and we did our dance fine. After the dance I went to partner dancing and then after that we wend straight to the ending pyramid! Every one was running to their placed we were all in panic because we had to be in the same area and the same in our very very close stunt groups. We went up and did our pyramid. And then and BOOM! we did the last part. Then we had to run off the field. It wend great!

After that there was another game and that means another half time. My flyer came to me and said that she doesn’t think that she can do half time because she has a stomach ache, she is cold and she has a stomach ache. My night had been ruined by that little peace of news has ruined my life. I walked back to my place quietly and just stood there. The coach came to me and said “ is every thing okay?” ” yes everything is fine its just that Brianna said that she can cheer in the half time because she isn’t feeling well” I replayed. “ I’m sure that she will cheer in the half time because she knows how important it is to the team that she is in the half time” Then I felt a huge wight just come off my shoulders. The captains were about to call a cheer and I was as ready as I could be!

The captions were like the main characters of the cheering team. I did not think that it was right to pick people out of group and pick them to be the boss. She was my friend and all but sometimes I think that they are better than every one else on the team. Then she stared acting different when we would hang out on the weekends, we would practice cheering addition to the whole week we had to practice! She would correct me and say I was doing stuff wrong but I know that she was doing stuff wrong. But I know that she was only telling me that I was doing it wrong to help me. I think.

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