Hit and Run | Teen Ink

Hit and Run

April 27, 2011
By LouieHan GOLD, San Marino, California
LouieHan GOLD, San Marino, California
14 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Xiao Dre, when life knocks you down, you can choose, whether or not, to get back up<br /> -Jackie Chan as Mr. Han

Sirens started to sound.
The whole sky turned black.
Cries of “Oh my God, OH MY GOD!!!”
Everyone began to run.
Where to I do not know.
My entire body went numb.
I could faintly feel liquids around me.
“Hang on” they said.
I felt like I was falling.
Why can’t I feel anything?
See anything?
I began to awkwardly run my hands across my body.
Vaguely, I became aware of a wet spot near my waist.
“Don’t touch there!” someone screamed.
In the distance I could hear more sirens.
Everything around me blurred together.
Voices mixed and became indecipherable.
I tried to move my legs, but couldn’t.
It was like they weren’t there.
I tried again.
No response.
I became scared.
I called out “Mom, Mom!”
But I don’t know if the words
Ever came out.
“What can we do?” someone asked.
Then the whole world became completely

A voice suddenly cut through the abyss.
“Get out of the way!”
I thought I felt fingers running across my chest, neck, and wrist.
“Stop the bleeding”
“Is he breathing?”
“How fast was it going?”
“Some say close to 50, others, over 80.”
My lungs started to fill up.
I couldn’t think anymore.
My breaths became fainter
And fainter.
“Goodbye” I tried to whisper
Before I faded
Into the Black.

The author's comments:
There was recently a student that got hit by a car near my school. She died. I tried to put myself into the hit person's shoes.


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