The Betrayal | Teen Ink

The Betrayal

May 6, 2011
By kassi BRONZE, Westminster, California
kassi BRONZE, Westminster, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to introduce you to Anna. She is a young, free spirit. Anna is a full

time student at the local community college. She is extremely confident in herself and is a

very loving person. For the last couple of years she has been in a serious relationship with

Adam. He is the star running back at the same community college Anna attends. They

met through mutual friends. He has been known to break quite a few hearts. Their

relationship was built on trust until rumors started going around about Adam being

unfaithful. Due to her trustful nature, she refused to believe any of the rumors she had

heard regarding Adam. As the rumors became more frequent she started to question

Adam’s faithfulness. She had been hearing that he had been secretly going out with

the head cheerleader. The rumors started to get to her so she finally confronted Adam.

She asked him if the rumors were true. He confirmed her worst nightmare. Adam had

been unfaithful. He said he had been going out with the head cheerleader for quite some

time now. She felt devastated upon hearing the news and immediately broke it off with

him. He was repentant and tried desperately to make amends but, she did not want

anything to do with it. She said her decision was final. The relationship of two years had

come to an abrupt end. It took her awhile to accept the fact that Adam, who had been a

huge part of her life was no longer in it. Adam could not accept that their relationship was

over. He would call her every day and send flowers or buy her expensive gifts to win back

her love. But Anna would not accept them. The relationship was no longer existent. He

had broken the trust and she couldn’t look at him the same way she had before.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 27 2011 at 8:49 pm
Jesse-Marie- PLATINUM, Freehold, New Jersey
46 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love is to live. Without love, what is life?"

Well, i like this, but you do a lot of showing, not explaining....