jobless | Teen Ink


May 6, 2011
By Anonymous

Lonerville, Iowa is a jobless town as Marl is sitting on the curb where he works. Soon night falls and he is thinking of things that can be done with no job. A coworker comes out and sits down next to him. The same thoughts are going through his mind. He is saying to himself “what shall I do” while waiting for the bus to arrive they think of the excellent memories they had in the building that they have worked in the past three years. They have put their own minds together and said “how are we going to make a living with no paycheck?” Marl is thinking in the back of his mind as I stand up and get on the bus. I am silent for a few more minutes before I respond.
As we figure out a plan after having no job. As I think if I come up with a plan I will let you know and I will keep in touch. While I am working my boss comes up to me and says “we are going to be having another layoff pretty soon but you won’t get hit in this bunch.” I am nervous and thinking I am going to be the next person to get laid off. While I continue to work on the assembly line I screw up on a washer because I am thinking am I going to get laid off in less than a day. While I still continue my job that I am doing I am still calming down for the screw up. Eventually another week fly’s by and their might be another lay off. When I eventually walk by the communication board I see a strange woman walk up to the board and puts up a white piece of paper up saying “coming soon another layoff.” As I continue to do my work once again I am safe another day.
As I think to myself the sooner I have no job the better chance I can get college started and finished. Soon as I dragged my feet into the college there was this smell it was like blooming flowers. When I got further down the hall the smell got even better. Eventually I reached the main office I glanced around to be helped. In the room was a flower on the counter and the walls were as bright as the green grass.
I finished up there and I left to go down town to go visit the people that just got laid off. While I was down there we all talked for a while as we all heard this loud scream out of nowhere. While we all look around to try to find where it was coming from but had no clue where it was. When the laid off people drove back by where they used to work they see this crazy lady that has worked at the building for twenty five years. She was the next one to get laid off as she is screaming at the cops for getting laid off. While I think of that lady in the back of my mind she reminded me of a pig squealing as it is dying. As the laid off people speak a loud they say “ that lady must of loved her job. She is a lifer.”
As the next day came as I am looking down the line when I see this slick guy that is dressed up and long black hair that is down to his shoulders. While he was walking past me I stopped him and shook his hand and said “hello sir my name is Marl!!!” he speaks back to me in a deep voice, I’m Alahondro “nice to meet you. When Alahondro goes back what he was doing he gets stopped by another guy. When I and this Brandon guy were communicating back and forth as we wonder if our business is moving out of state. As we find out it is moving.
To be continued

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