Fantasy of a Lonley Girl | Teen Ink

Fantasy of a Lonley Girl

June 29, 2011
By shaystephanie BRONZE, Old Saybrook, CT, Connecticut
shaystephanie BRONZE, Old Saybrook, CT, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous.

It was almost picture-esque, the way he whispered for me to lay down, the way his lips touched my ear as his soft words rattled off my eardrum. I did just what he said, laid down in his bed as he pulled the covers over me with a smile. He stood over me, making sure the blanket precisely covered every inch of my body. He looked me up and down and came over to my ear once again.

“You don’t mind if I play a little bit, do you? I want to see if I can play you to sleep.” those whispered words made me smile, HE wanted to play ME to sleep? Unreal.

“Of course not, i love the sound of the piano.”

He tip-toed to the other side of the room where a baby grand piano sat. I watched his silhouette as he lifted the cover, played a B flat, and situated his body comfortably. His hands molded perfectly to the piano, as the most surreal sound started to escape.

I laid in his bed, tucked in nice and warm, watching him move his fingers up and down the black and white keys in a fluid movement. He closed his eyes and moved his head with every note, pressing down hard on the keys, and almost becoming the music. His foot hit the petals with grace, and I sat there stunned by his talent as a musician.

I did not recognize the piece he was playing, although I can promise that it was unlike anything that I have ever heard in my seventeen years of life. There are no words to describe the sounds I heard. It was a river of sound that seemed to continue effortlessly. It sounded as if he was playing it while thinking about everyone he has ever cared about in his lifetime. All those faces seemed to stream through his head as he produced this living, breathing organism that was his music.

As he played the higher notes, he would peer over to the bed, where my eyes were glued to him. It was as if he was playing in the thought of his feelings for me, which flowed through my ears into my body, until his music was coursing through my veins.

And with those feelings came an inner peace, an extreme serenity. With each note and chord, my body would release tension. I lay there, in his bed, listening to his musicality, completely enveloped in relaxation.

Within minutes, to the sound of his piano, my eyes started forcing shut. I closed my eyes, still listening to his peaceful melody, and feeling his occasional glance. Until finally, the soft, tender chords surrounded me until I felt myself drift asleep.

An hour later, I woke up to him climbing into bed with me. He pulled himself under the covers by my side, and turned his body so that he was laying on his side facing me. I opened my eyes facing him as he took me and pulled me in. And there we lay, in each others arms, and his lips pressed against my forehead.

“Goodnight” he whispered.

The author's comments:
This was written for all those who use music as self-expression. This is for the girls like me, whose romantic dreams never quite match up with reality.

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This article has 1 comment.

fgbm27 said...
on Jul. 11 2011 at 3:32 pm
Very well-written. Quite good - it's definitely comes straight from the heart.