If you really knew me. | Teen Ink

If you really knew me.

July 7, 2011
By Anonymous

This is something i would like to keep a secret but my mind,heart and soul is telling me to let it out.When people look at me they see happiness but if they really knew me they would know i have so much i'm holding back that i want to let out but i can't.If they really knew me they would know i have secrets,more then they could imagine.If they really knew me they would know my mom was abused and thought it would be safer to give me and my sister to our dad.If only she knew that's the worst decision she could make.From our life forward we were sexually and mentally abused but as we started growing up we changed.My sister turned into a female version of my father starting to treat me like i'm nothing ,im worth nothing,and i will never be a someone.What they will learn now is i'm strong,independent ,and nothing will bring me down,nothing will stop me from fulfilling my dream.I turned into the opposite of them and i'm glad i did,i'm proud of who i am and who i will become.If they really knew me they would know they will only watch me succeed while they fail the same way they did raising me.

The author's comments:
I hope everyone will learn when you get raised you don't always have to be like your mother or father,be yourself and make your own dreams.

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