Butterfly House | Teen Ink

Butterfly House

June 6, 2011
By Anonymous

The butterfly house was very bright and beautiful with all the different types of flowers around. As I stepped the first butterflies were visible. They're amazing colors were I guess you could say breath taking. Then I began to notice the butterflies were coming on to my arms and they were slowly covering my entire body.

I can slowly see the light leaving the room. I am wondering to myself what is going on and I need to get out of here. I slowly inch toward where I think the door is. As I get closer I feel a tug on my back as if the butterflies don't want me to leave. I don't get why no one can see me I must be in some kind of back wing. The butterflies seem surprisingly strong as if super natural. I feel like I am falling down and then I feel the ground under me and then I feel the oxygen leave my body.

Next thing I notice is I hear a constant beeping noise every 3 seconds or so. The next thing I know I see the craziness of a hospital. Now I am thinking what happened. Minutes went by with crazy possibilities flashing through my mind. Was it mutated or crazed butterflies every possibility worse then the next. Every possibility I had was shut down by the fact that they were butterflies.

After a few more minutes of pondering a doctor comes in. He sat down in a chair to my left and explained what happened to me. The doctor told me “ I wandered off into the house. The plants and flowers in the room were poisoned and dying and thus the butterflies with them. Somehow the butterflies knew this and when I walked in they thought I could help. That's the reason why they grabbed on to me. I blacked out because the oxygen was leaving the room. I couldn't get to the door before that my energy was running out. A maintenance worker found me and called 9-1-1.

A few hours later I was released from the hospital (Still in shock of what happened). Now I will always have that searing memory of what happened at the butterfly house.

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