The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

October 8, 2011
By kat85 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
kat85 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Barking Spiders - a quote out of my fav. books (at the time) the leviathan trilogy and all time awsome author scott westerfeild

As I look out my window I see the first signs of the beach, the shops, the sand, and the palm trees. It’s all so wonderful. This summer’s going to be great, I thought to myself.

“Emma dear, we’re here. Get your things, and if you hurry, we can go to the beach soon,” my mother interrupted my thoughts. I hurried to our new yellow beach house. As I walked up the stairs I could smell the salty breeze and the taste of salt was stuck to my lips. Wow, breathtakingly beautiful were the only words to describe the scene in front of me. Our house had teal shutters and a great view of the beach. Eventually we got to the beach. When we got there I made my usual mistake of walking barefoot on the sand, man that hurts!

We found a quiet spot in the snow white sand and I went to play in the crystal clear water. The sun rays bounced around on the water like playful kittens. After playing in the water and body boarding, I decided to sun tan. The waves crashing, the gulls squawking, the wind in the trees and the sounds of distant boats are the sounds that filled my ears. I decided to play in the sand after a while of tanning.

“Ouch! Something bit me!” I screamed. When I looked down to see what I sat on, a cute little crab was sitting there. “Oh, sorry little guy,” I said mostly to myself. I scooped him up in my bucket hoping mom would let me keep him.

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Look what I found!” I said happily “Can I keep him please! Please! Please!”

“One condition: clean the beach house and sure you can keep him,” she said smiling.

I named him Sandy C. Crab. I found a tank and made it look like the beach then I added a little beach towel and a martini umbrella to his home. The rest of my summer was a blur, but I was right-it was great!

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