Family | Teen Ink


October 12, 2011
By pinkypinkish BRONZE, Singapore, Other
pinkypinkish BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was enthralled by the fact I'm moving overseas. Aint for fun, but to pursue my studies. The thought of having to be independent in a foreign land excited me. I was only in my late teen when I moved to Australia to enter college. Accountancy was my passion. Despite worrying that I might not be able to adapt , my parents still had to give in to my unreasonable request to move there.

My parents was there to help me settle down for the first week. After that I was on my own. I rented a room. Just a small little box that fits my bed,a table and a wardrobe. What caught my attention was that the house was located near a beach. I could just view sunset or sunrise once I pulled up the curtain. What made the view more intriguing was that there was actually a themepark nearby. "I'm surely going to enjoy my time here," I thought to myself.
A week passed. I began to adapt. I made some local friends. The freedom made me love the country even more. I decided to actually migrate there for good. For me, my good friends were all that mattered. I thought my life there felt better than at my own home with my parents.
It was soon that I found myself a partner. Lee Seung was a korean and just like me, he was a teenager.
We spent time together, had fun being with each other. I found myself falling in love with him.
One night I was at his house watching movies. Just then he randomly offered me a glass of vodka. Curious, I had a few sip. Soon I was drunk.
The next morning I found myself on a bed , without a single thread covering me. There was nobody there,except Lee Seung who was watching the TV. I asked him what happened yet he just gave me a smile. " Just be good if you don't want to get into trouble", he said.
Oblivious to what was going on, I went around to dig for information. It was later then I found out that he had set a trap and have taken advantage of me. Worst still, he had taken an intimate picture of himself and me, while I was drunk. I went to approach him to ask for a break up but he violently slapped me and threatened to disclose the pictures.
I was afraid and went to look for my close friends then found out they had it all planned together.
In despair, I desperately confide in my mom. She was actually the only one who stood there by me. She rushed to where I was upon hearing my lament. I was touched. It was then my eyes opened that only family will be there for you despite everything you have been through.

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