Speechless | Teen Ink


October 24, 2011
By Easlyn12 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Easlyn12 BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They put her in the ground today. I couldn’t cry, I was too angry l don’t understand why he would do something so mean. Why would God take my only child away from me? I watched as they lowered her in l thought l heard a mumble. I jumped into the grave and opened the casket only to see her cold dead body laying still in the darkness. I felt as if someone had pushed me off the Grand Canyon. Why? I don’t understand why! To put her in a better place, she wasn’t even able to experience life before it was snatched away. God watched her suffer as she battled with cancer and stole her away on her ninth birthday, before she could open her eyes. What type of God is that! There is no God, that can be so cruel and evil. After the death of my beautiful baby have me sent to this cold empty hospital. Like any father if l thought I saw the slight movement they would have just as likely leaped in to take their child back from the cold hands of death. I sit here suffering alone and in silence. No words l can say can express any emotion, any thoughts. No one can comfort me, no one can understand: my pain, my anger, and my heartache.

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