Kylie, Dear Kylie | Teen Ink

Kylie, Dear Kylie

October 16, 2011
By Davey.N BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Davey.N BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Do as I do, NOT as I say, because I say some pretty stupid things.&quot;<br /> -Kenny Nelson

“Where is mom?”

“I don’t know, Kylie. But I’m sure she misses us just as much as we miss her.”

“Then why did she leave us?” The demand startled Rian. Her hands shook nervously.

“Kylie, she didn’t leave us, she was taken.”

“But Rian, why did she never come back?” Kylie paused for a minute. “I miss Momma!” Tears began to crawl down Kylie’s precious, innocent face. Rian could barely hold down her own tears. But her eyes were glossy with despair and grief. She trembled with Kylie’s warm little hands in her own. Where are you mom? She couldn’t answer Kylie’s questions because she didn’t know them herself.

“She can’t come back Kylie! I know you miss her, and so do I. Do you remember what she said to you before she left?”

“She asked me to be her brave little girl. Momma said everything would be okay.”

“And everything will be okay! Kylie, I love you and I’m going to take care of you.” Kylie looked deep into her eyes. Tears glistened off of Rian’s dark blue eyes. She wrapped her arms around Kylie. “Kylie, dear Kylie.” They cried until Kylie feel asleep. Holding the saddened child in her arms, Rian whimpered, “Kylie, dear Kylie.”

The author's comments:
My friend just recently lost her uncle. She was so upset. But i wrote this to encourage her that her friends and family love her and want to help her through her loss.

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