Bad Things Happen | Teen Ink

Bad Things Happen

October 20, 2011
By XDinoRawrzX BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
XDinoRawrzX BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;the biggest disease this day and age suffers from is the disease of feeling unloved.&quot;<br /> -Princess Diana

On October 31st, the night of Halloween, some kids decided it would be hilarious to take their grandmother's car for a spin. It didn't go as well as planned. They were driving along the road, swerving every now and then. One of the swerves they just could not handle and went flying into the forest beside them. One boy, the front passenger , was severely injured, and rushed to the hospital. The child driving was sued for the medical bill. His grandmother is also making him repay every penny the car cost too. While the two boys in the back just sustained a few bruises and scratches.
Now all four of the boys are not aloud to go out of the house unsupervised. As for the car, it was totaled, and now the boy's grandmother must get a ride from somebody else or walk everywhere. This was definitely not the best Halloween ever.

The author's comments:
In Language Arts my teacher put up a picture on the overhead. It was a picture of an old broken and rusty car. The first thing that popped into my head was people crashing it into a forest. I decided that Halloween would be a good date to use because it is right around the corner.


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