A witness to danger | Teen Ink

A witness to danger

October 21, 2011
By Abbieex316 BRONZE, Davidsville, Pennsylvania
Abbieex316 BRONZE, Davidsville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wow, that was crazy! These are the words that were running through my head this summer when I went to the beach. It was a scorching day, the kind of day when you look down the coast and all you see are colorful umbrellas populating the shoreline. I burnt my feet on the sand as I took my flip flops off, but I didn’t care because being there in the sunshine is what I had anticipated all year.

Little did I know that something unexpected was going to happen on this vacation. There I was, with the scorching summer sun beating down on my shoulders when out of nowhere an unknown source screamed, “shark!”

Heads all around me turned to look at the deep, blue water in front of us, scanning for the beast. It didn’t take long for people to start pointing. Low and behold, there was a shark, right before my eyes. I can still picture its top fin, gliding smoothly across the water. It was immensely frightening to think that I could have been out swimming in close proximity to such a dangerous animal.

The author's comments:
This is a piece i had to write about something that had happened during the summer. We had the option to write a non fiction or fiction story. I chose fiction.

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