Brown Eyes | Teen Ink

Brown Eyes

November 2, 2011
By Anonymous

I wait. You wait. Time slows. The moment is frozen and your eyes are my only focus. The only things that matter to me… we wait. I know it’s only a matter of time.

When I was younger I used to describe brown eyes as a dirty muddy color and I was forever jealous of the beautiful green and hypnotizing blue eyes of the peers in my classes. I yearned for light colored eyes that changed color with day, not the dull brown that I was stuck with. That was before I met you. That was before I could see the value, the depth of your eyes; your captivating, warm, brown eyes.

If a person were to ask me what the first thing I noticed about someone it would be their eyes. Not just the color, you showed me that brown eyes can look intriguing and unique. No, besides the color you can tell many things about a person by their eyes. You can tell if they like to laugh or can be understanding. You can tell if they will judge you, not by how you look or talk, but, by your character. I could tell. I could tell by looking into you’re perfect brown eyes that you were the type of person that everyone should strive to be.
The days have passed and now I do not see you only by the color of your eyes. I have begun to know your personality, your secrets, your hopes, and I have started to share the same with you. With each passing day I look to you and see many things. I see a person with outstanding morals and goals. I see a person that faces many challenges and overcomes many trials. I see a person that I can trust. I see my best friend.

I wait. You wait. We are both still waiting. I know it’s only a matter of time…

…You blink your pair of perfect brown eyes.

I win… You never were that good at staring contests.

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